Essay Samples

  • Google Advance Search vs. Bing Writing Assignment
    Description: Comparison of Google advance search vs Bing. Favoring Google over Bing. using this search engine to focus on a registered nurse career. Thesis driven of which search engine is better. How others will looking for the same career will benefit google over bing.
    3 pages/≈825 words | No Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Respond to Ephron’s The Boston Photographs
    Description: How does knowing that the woman died in the fall affect the viewer's feelings about photographs? Write a short essay in which you decide whether or not the photograph should have been published? Does Ephron's argument change your minds?
    2 pages/≈550 words | 1 Source | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Rhetorical Analysis Project For The Movie Of The Great Gatsby
    Description: Rhetorical appeal is divided in three parts such as the ethos, pathos and logos with the ethos defining the ethical lesson and purpose of a particular writing and advertisement.
    8 pages/≈2200 words | 6 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Rhetorical Analysis Project For The Art Works Of Frida Kahlo
    Description: This eassy is talking about how mixco artist frida kahlo develop her work and analysis the rhetorical of her works. I want do an analysis about frida kahlo because I am intersting with how her develop her works.
    8 pages/≈2200 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • 07-u5-t-1-2: Accountable Care Organizations Improve Quality of Care
    Description: How can the formation of Accountable Care Organizations improve quality of care and make providers more responsible for the cost of care?
    2 pages/≈550 words | 6 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • 06-u5-t-1-2 Assignment: Documentation and Regulatory Compliance
    Description: The advanced practice nurse should understand the legal framework for documentation in the medical record. The federal and state governments afford patients protection from disclosure of health care information.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 6 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Wrongful Death by Howard Carpenter on Behalf of Wilma Carpenter, Deceased
    Description: The case refers to one Mrs. Carpenter, the plaintiff. She died while under the care of the nurses in the hospital after undergoing a hip replacement surgery
    1 page/≈275 words | 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Compare And Contrast The Range Of Medical Language
    Description: Increasing cultural diversity in the United States has continued to pose a serious crisis to healthcare providers in offering basic but quality health services. Compare and contrast the range of medical language interpretation and describe what is considered “best practice.”
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Course Operational Issue On The State Highway System
    Description: How would you would handle a phone call from an irate citizen expressing concern over a traffic safety or operational issue on the State Highway System? What follow-up actions would you take?
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Narrative Essay: I Met An Ugly Truth About Myself
    Description: This journey can happen intentionally or unintentionally. When it happens intentionally, it involves a conscious decision an individual decides to make to discover themselves.
    4 pages/≈1100 words | No Sources | MLA | Creative Writing | Essay |
  • Discuss The Factors Which Led To The Financial Crisis Of 2007/8
    Description: Discuss the factors which led to the financial crisis of 2007/8. Explain how these factors impacted upon Northern Rock and the reasons for the nationalisation
    10 pages/≈2750 words | 11 Sources | Harvard | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Essay |
  • Discussion on the Financial Crisis
    Description: The financial crisis that occurred between 2007 and 2009 was a credit crunch culmination that had begun in 2006 and developed in 2007. Finance sector failure was a key factor in the previous financial crisis. However, the bankers were not the only people to blame, but also regulators and the central
    10 pages/≈2750 words | No Sources | Harvard | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Essay |
  • Hybrid Activity 1: Jan van Eyck's Arnolfini Portrait
    Description: Write a short essay on Jan Van Eyck's Arnolfini Portrait painting. Use the information on the painting under the tab Arnolfini Portrait Resources for background knowledge and information when you construct your essay.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 4 Sources | MLA | History | Essay |
  • Stories By Hemingway And Fitzgerald Reflect Stein’s Determination
    Description: How do the stories by Hemingway and Fitzgerald reflect Stein's determination that the two writers were part of the lost generation?
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Writing Research Assignment About Religion's Midterm
    Description: In the church history, there are more than 10,000 saints, both men and women who performed extraordinary deeds and over time have been recognized for their contributions
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Analyze The Reading Adventure By Anderson Sherwood
    Description: Analyze the reading "Adventure", by Anderson Sherwood. Identify the modernist elements in the story. Don't try to look at a work from all angles in the paper. Choose just one.
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 2 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • How Agents of Socialization Impacted Life of a High School vs. College Student
    Description: Ever since childhood, individuals are shaped by the daily interactions between them and what we call “agents of socialization”. These could both be individuals and institutions that affect how someone thinks, acts, and even perceives the world around him/her. In my case, some of the most influential agents
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Health Screening and History of an Adolescent or Young Adult Client
    Description: Select an adolescent or young adult client on whom to perform a health screening and history. Students who do not work in an acute setting may "practice" these skills with a patient, community member, neighbor, friend, colleague, or loved one.
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • The Tempest Reflection A Rock And Roll Space Odyssey
    Description: Over the years after the first release, The Tempest did not gain much attention due to the ban of plays during the early times. It only gained its desired respect after the Restoration, and in its now adapted versions.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Practicing Compassion and Sympathy in Healthcare
    Description: Compassion is the recognition of another person's suffering and a desire to alleviate that suffering. Compassion is often defined as the emotion that we feel when others are in need and in turn, motivates us to help them. Yes, I am very compassionate person. I like to care, help and look after others, especially
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Information Technology Systems Strategy Research Assignment
    Description: The adoption of relevant and latest information technology (IT) strategy in universities has become increasingly important.
    6 pages/≈3300 words | 7 Sources | APA | IT & Computer Science | Essay |
  • Learning Outcomes Portfolio GU299- The General Education Capstone
    Description: With specific examples, demonstrate how you have experienced and developed the skills associated with these learning outcomes in your general education courses at Grantham.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Crime and Deviance Essay
    Description: Deviance and criminal behaviors have been studied for an extended period of time, with scholars trying to examine how socialization impacts on the character and the behavior of a person.
    5 pages/≈1375 words | 1 Source | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Reflection IOM recommendation 4: Increase The Proportion Of Nurses
    Description: How will increasing your level of education affect how you compete in the current job market? How will increasing your level of education affect your role in the future of nursing?
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Sponsors of Literacy Summary
    Description: Then consider who your primary literacy sponsors were (people, as well as institutions like churches or clubs or school systems) and what literacies they taught you (academic, civic, religious, and so on)
    2 pages/≈1100 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • MHM522 Legal Aspects Of Health Administration, Healthcare Law
    Description: It is important to be able to read case law and/or federal and state regulations. Read the case of Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Mem. Hosp. 323 F.2d 959 (4th Cir. 1963) and the opinion of Sobeloff, Chief Judge.
    1 page/≈550 words | 4 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • 07-U4-T1-T2 Financial Models Of Reimbursement And Effects On Patients And Healthcare Provide...
    Description: There is an opportunity for the advance practice nurse to move into a position of providing some of the services that had formerly been provided by primary care physicians
    2 pages/≈550 words | 6 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • 506-U7-AGP Wrongful Death by Howard Carpenter on Behalf of Wilma Carpenter
    Description: Several legal issues are presented, for instance, the final diagnosis proves that the patient extubated, breathed independently for some time before expiring and time elapsed after the vomiting episode is being disputed.
    3 pages/≈825 words | 4 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Describing Why I Consider the University of Redlands
    Description: Considering the institutions to which you are applying, please explain why you have included the University of Redlands.
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • My Contributions to the University of Redlands Community
    Description: We aim to educate the hearts and minds of our students and to create a welcoming space for all, recognizing that the unique experiences and perspectives of all members of our community enhance our living and learning environments. How do you see yourself contributing to our community?
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Writing Assignment: Respond to King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail
    Description: How does Martin Luther King, Jr. create an appeal to our emotion? Cite examples of what you consider the most effective instances of that appeal.
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Personal Statement, Parenting Background, Years Of College
    Description: Struggled first two years of college changed majors twice to nursing then business and back to biology and gave myself a reality check and focused more and saw better results.
    1 page/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Eng15 Writing Assignment: Through Hard Work, Anything Can Be Achieved
    Description: Hard work is the key to success, is a slogan used to encourage people to become diligent in anything they do. I believe that one can achieve anything through hard work and dedication.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | Other | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Coronary Heart Disease: Medical or Surgical Nursing Assignment
    Description: First of all, he must give a brief explanation on the difference between the two. He shall also lay down all the possible expected outcomes of the actual study that was conducted before the observation was done.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Assignment 1.1: Industrialization After the Civil War Thesis and Outline
    Description: After the Civil War, the United States became a much more industrialized society. Between 1865 and 1920, industrialization improved American life in many ways.
    1 page/≈275 words | 3 Sources | APA | History | Essay |
  • Digital Computer Crime: Major Categories Of Computer Crimes
    Description: Explain the four (4) major categories of computer crimes, and provide at least one (1) example for each. Explain the most common forms of digital crime.
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | APA | IT & Computer Science | Essay |
  • From The Arrival Of The First Europeans And Africans To The Civil War, Did A Civilized Socie...
    Description: From the arrival of the first Europeans and Africans to the Civil War, did a civilized society emerge in North America?
    3 pages/≈825 words | 5 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Discuss How Ahab Is Obsessed And How Ahab Is The Victim?
    Description: Show through examples how Poe's tragic life affect his writing? include his philosophy about the women and the single effect that he tries to achieve and keep?
    2 pages/≈1100 words | 10 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Paschal Mystery, Eschatology, Purpose of the Sacraments
    Description: When referring to people, the communion of saints can be described as the spiritual union of individuals who attend the Christian Church, and this includes both the living and the dead and is in a constant state of purification
    1 page/≈550 words | 10 Sources | APA | Religion & Theology | Essay |
  • Explain And Draw Connections Among Key Figures, Events
    Description: Develop a greater appreciation for, sense of belonging to, and love of Catholicism and the Church by engaging and identifying with a variety of people, writings, art, and ideas from the history of Christianity.
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | MLA | Religion & Theology | Essay |
  • What Do You Think Are The Political Arguments For Free Trade
    Description: What do you think are the political arguments for free trade? Have these arguments survived the tests of time? Your response should be at least 200 words in length.
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 3 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Unit 5 Discussion Board Question: The Political Economy
    Description: How does globalization play a role in the political economy of trade policy? Consider the current administration's policy on international trade.
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Wrongful Death by Howard Carpenter on Behalf of Wilma Carpenter, Deceased
    Description: The patient had an epidural catheter for a post-operative pain management following an episode of hypotension in the recovery room which was treated with Ephedrine.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 6 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Anecdote Writing Assignment: My Friend Jenn And I
    Description: One day my friend Jenn and I were walking on the streets of New York. Since she was originally from Afghanistan, we were talking how safe it was to live in New York compared to most Middle East countries
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Contradictory Evidence/Data Regarding the Efficacy of the ACA
    Description: This critical analysis essay is designed to document a roadmap of how your mind works. Therefore, there is no right or wrong answer. The learning goal is to support your critical thinking based on readings from text, articles, and class discussions.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 2 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Business Acquisitions: Comcast Corp (CMCSA.O) Background
    Description: Use the Internet or Strayer library to research two (2) publically traded U.S. companies, and download their financial statements. Assume that you are the CEO of one of the selected companies.
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 3 Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Essay |
  • Auditors and Regulatory Oversight Research Assignment
    Description: Analyze the audit report that the CPA firm issued. Ascertain the legal liability to third parties who relied on financial statements under both common and federal securities laws
    3 pages/≈825 words | 2 Sources | APA | Accounting, Finance, SPSS | Essay |
  • How I Came To Know Christ And How The Church Program Shaped My Life
    Description: Describe how your church and ministry activities shape your daily life and will strengthen the Vanguard community
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Media Effect Journal Communications Writing Assignment
    Description: The changes brought along by media can transpire on several dimensions. The effects can be unintended or intended by the message source. The outcomes can include changes, and also the conservation of the current situation.
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 2 Sources | APA | Communications & Media | Essay |
  • Medical Records, Patient Consent, And Information Management: Legal Aspect Of Healthcare
    Description: As your fourth assignment toward completion of the Session Long Project, you will need to discuss the fragile balance between the need for public health agencies to acquire data and the demand for security of sensitive information.
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 4 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Diet Analysis And Report, BA In Sports And Exercise Science
    Description: Phil is 55 year old and has started training 3 times per week with a mix of cardio and weights and running. He is 176 cm in height and currently weighs 78.2 kg, has a body fat of 29% (22.7kg) and a lean mass of 71% (55.5 kg).
    3 pages/≈1650 words | 5 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Religion Writing Assignment Project: Rwanda Genocide
    Description: What rights were deprived? Where they essential? How did people react? What dignity's were deprived? How did people react? Did the world know this was occurring? How would or did the Church respond to this incident?
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | MLA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • An Alleged Error in Scripture Preliminary Conclusions
    Description: If the scripture teaches us the truth, it is supposed to be reliable and the two gospels prove otherwise. In this case, it means that the recording in one of these gospels is wrong since the order of temptation cannot be correct and different at the same time.
    3 pages/≈825 words | 2 Sources | MLA | Religion & Theology | Essay |
  • How Nursing Practice is Expected to Grow and Change
    Description: The nursing career has encountered diverse changes. In the 19th century, there was a modification to nurse staffing, which resulted in nursing care services being exclusively delivered by very professional nurses (Treston, 2013). Moreover, currently, healthcare facilities are reforming their labor force
    3 pages/≈1650 words | 4 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Module 6 Critical Thinking: Importance Of A Reward And Recognition Program
    Description: Make a case for creating a reward and recognition system that will increase motivation.Write a persuasive business communication to the management team at your organization.
    2 pages/≈1100 words | No Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Read The Directions That Provide In The Picture: Ten Commandments
    Description: Christians obey this law by being grateful for what they have not because it's a request by the law, but because it is what is good for them to do which is an indication of the spirit of the law.
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Religion & Theology | Essay |
  • Following Shay's Rebellion, What Did Thomas Jefferson Mean
    Description: Following Shay's rebellion, what did Thomas Jefferson mean when he said, The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants? Do you agree or disagree (please explain why)?
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | History | Essay |
  • Video Games Can Enhance Our Brain Function And Promote Different Skills
    Description: Like other modern technological inventions, video games have affected people in different ways; it is estimated that more than 150 million people spend several hours playing video games.
    3 pages/≈825 words | 3 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Research How Agents Of Socialization Impacted Your Life
    Description: You have probably heard people say that “Humans are social creatures” and wonder what they mean. The truth and originality of this statement depends on the context that this statement is saying.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 1 Source | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • Article Respond: Was Your Food Made By Slaves By Kevin Clarke
    Description: The article, Was your food made by slaves by Kevin Clarke shows very clearly that the foods that most people consume today have been made by slaves.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 1 Source | APA | Religion & Theology | Essay |
  • The Risk Management Plan
    Description: If a problem is not solved there is a risk that the organization’s performance will deteriorate, and more problems will likely emerge. It is necessary to identify the main problems that an organization faces and solutions sought to improve the outcomes (Aiken et al., 2012). Failure to solve the problem
    3 pages/≈825 words | 4 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Periods of Motivational Research and Components of Motivational Self-System
    Description: Motivation has been singled out as one of the important factors influencing language learning yet it is a complex and multifaceted (Dörnyei, 2001). Motivation is the behavior that explains the choice that people make to do something, how hard they try and their willingness to sustain the activity over time
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 13 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • The Prevalence of Identity Theft in the Community
    Description: This paper seeks to explore more on the nature of identity theft and make an analysis of how it is done, by whom and also establish the necessary actions the courts of law can undertake to mitigate the menace.
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 4 Sources | APA | Psychology | Essay |
  • Several Bible Scriptures Retreat Reflection Paper
    Description: Several Bible scriptures describe how people encountered God in unexpected ways, transforming many people's lives. God used different people to show his mysteriousness and his relentless efforts to save his people from evil.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 1 Source | APA | Creative Writing | Essay |
  • Athletics In American And British Universities Writing Assignment
    Description: You need to have a thesis explicitly stated in your first few sentences. The rest of the response paper should be used proving your argument with evidence from the readings.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | Other | History | Essay |
  • Factors Which Influenced the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis
    Description: Discuss the factors which led to the financial crisis of 2007/8 (20%) Explain how these factors impacted upon Northern Rock and the reasons for the nationalisation (20%)
    5 pages/≈2750 words | 10 Sources | Harvard | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Writing Is Thinking Vs Writing College Essay Writing
    Description: Write & print for class: A short summary of both articles (about 50 words for each); a brief discussion (about 100 words) of how the articles are similar, different, etc.);
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Module 5 Ciritical Thinking Writing Assignment
    Description: According to Hofstede's Insights, power distance is defined as “the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.
    3 pages/≈825 words | 2 Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Module 8 Portfolio Project: Effective Communication in Leadership Training Proposal
    Description: Looking back at the history of this company, it is indeed essential to acknowledge the effort that the management has put into making sure that every staff member is adequately equipped to handle whichever task they are required to do.
    6 pages/≈1650 words | 5 Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • New Yorker: Trader
    Description: Among the categories highlighted by White, I consider myself a trader. Living in New York has presented numerous opportunities to engage in the business undertaking to satisfy the needs of a large and diverse population. Over time, I have engaged in different trading ventures. The proliferation of
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Intellectual Property Legislation and Social Media
    Description: For this Discussion, select a current piece of U.S. legislation related to regulation of intellectual property. Consider how the legislation you select may be applied in a social media forum.
    1 page/≈275 words | 2 Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Extra Credit Assignment: Was Your Food Made By Slaves
    Description: The article Was Your Food Made by Slaves, by Kevin Clarke awakens one of the debates that most of the people have not given the required level of interest.
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Religion & Theology | Essay |
  • Christians, Entertaining Angels, IAM the Lord your God
    Description: There are a number of commandments that embody the life of s Christian and what it should be. One of the most important commandments is the first one which states that IAM the Lord your God
    2 pages/≈550 words | No Sources | APA | Religion & Theology | Essay |
  • The Benefits of Winning Regime of Workout Routine on the Body and Morale
    Description: At the start of the year, most of the people made a resolution to make exercise one of their goals. This is part of staying healthy. Some are still struggling with the same but most importantly, it is a goal that one should keep not just to the end of the year but rather turn into a lifestyle. Exercise is one
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • American History Through Music: Woodstock 99 Limp Bizkit
    Description: Give suggestions for improvement if you thought the performers didn't do as well as you thought they should of. Remember that amateurs, students, and professionals should not be judged by the same standards.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 1 Source | APA | History | Essay |
  • A Healthy Lifestyle Yoga Reflection Writing Assignment
    Description: Reflection Papers: each week students will complete a reflection paper about the reading and yoga practice that week. A reflection paper is an essay of your thoughts about something.
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • The Only Source Is The Film Brooklyn Farmer
    Description: After watching the film, the concept of sustainability is now more familiar to me because I did not really pay attention to it. The video is insightful and I can now think of several ways to promote sustainability.
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • HRM 11415 Part B: The Role of Leaders in Enabling Effective Change Management Within Organiz...
    Description: According to Renz (2016), leaders in an organization come up with an effective team that will assist in achieving the set goals of production. This paper examines the role of leaders in change management in culminating failures to achieve a smooth transition.
    7 pages/≈1925 words | 10 Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Do Malaria Parasites Change Mosquito Host-Seeking And Biting Behaviour?
    Description: Font and style: Use a legible font of at least 11 point, and spacing of 1.5 lines. Use subheadings as you wish. Please make sure you use page numbers.
    13 pages/≈3575 words | 18 Sources | Harvard | Biological & Biomedical Sciences | Essay |
  • Quality Improvement Plan Writing Assignment: Justifying Cost
    Description: Focus-providing care for Diabetic Patient away from the Emergency Room). Determine the cost of the improvement plan. What areas will require capital cost and how much?
    2 pages/≈550 words | 4 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Recognizing the Role of Adhering to the Standard of Care
    Description: For this Assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that explains any legal implications that exist for failure to adhere to a standard of care, the key elements of malpractice, and compare the differences in malpractice policy options.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 4 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Intellectual Property Theft and Related Jurisdictional Issues
    Description: Explain potential appropriate retribution for the offender and potential appropriate compensation and/or restitution for the victim of the intellectual property theft.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Air Operations Research Assignment: Hansell And Colleagues
    Description: What are the strengths and weakness of the article as is relates to the profession? Is there evidence of bias or faulty reasoning? In this section you will need to bring in outside sources to either support truth found in the article or faulty reasoning
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Social Sciences | Essay |
  • There’s No Limit to Google’s Market Power Research Assignment
    Description: For the term paper, you are required to pick a current economic topic that relates to the material we have covered or will cover in this course. You will research and find an article that covers the topic you have chosen
    3 pages/≈825 words | 2 Sources | APA | Mathematics & Economics | Essay |
  • Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Pamphlet
    Description: Select an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.
    1 page/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Business Communication Final Exam: Shangri-La Hotel
    Description: During our recent stay in one of your establishments, we did get the best of service, as always, but something strange happened and hence my writing of this letter.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 1 Source | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Servant Leadership From a Christian Perspective: Ethical Being
    Description: Choose one provision from the ANA Code of Ethics. How is ethical behavior an integral part of being a nurse leader? How does one display the characteristics of a role model with this provision?
    1 page/≈275 words | 3 Sources | APA | Health, Medicine, Nursing | Essay |
  • Personal Information: Hackers And Identity Theft
    Description: For this Discussion, consider your comfort level with sharing personal information on the Internet. Think about whether your comfort level is influenced by a fear of your information being obtained by hackers
    1 page/≈275 words | 3 Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • The Bureau of Statistics: Identify Theft Research Assignment
    Description: For this assignment, think about the effects of identity theft on victims. Consider whether the victim might be in any way accountable for identify theft. Then complete the interactive assessment Vulnerability to Identity Theft.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Organisational Context of HR: Relevance of Scientific Management Today
    Description: Scientific management is still relevant today. Discuss and critically evaluate this statement using case studies and the appropriate theory to inform your assertions.
    9 pages/≈2475 words | 12 Sources | APA | Management | Essay |
  • Causes Of The War Based On English Grievances Against The Natives
    Description: Based on your careful reading and analysis of the documents, explain the primary causes of the war based on English grievances against the Natives. You must use examples and evidence drawn from at least two separate documents in this paragraph
    2 pages/≈550 words | 5 Sources | MLA | History | Essay |
  • Discuss Miles Halter's Eulogy to Alaska Young Writing Assignment
    Description: What does Miles's final essay say about death? About the afterlife? About forgiveness? How do you presume Miles will move forward, both personally and in regards to his friendships, following Alaska's death?
    1 page/≈275 words | 1 Source | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Explain Why Marketing Is Considered A Key Component Of A Company
    Description: I need an essay about this topic "Explain why marketing is considered a key component of a company/business." It is going to be five paragraphs and one page.
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Explain The Impact Of Social Media Platforms In International Marketing
    Description: The event of the Internet has opened up opportunities for marketers to use social media platforms, but marketers still need to expand their beyond the local audience to the international one.
    1 page/≈275 words | No Sources | APA | Business & Marketing | Essay |
  • Appendix C DB Communication Between Provider and Consumer
    Description: This discussion board follows a multi-step process. The students must collaborate in order to make it work. We all have health information-seeking patterns. Each must do his/her part and do it on time.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 3 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Tuberculosis In Workplace Education Policy Research Assignment
    Description: A home health agency employee has TB, as her manager, you are to explore and outline what policy or employee education program you will propose to aid to educating other employees about TB, TB testing, and TB prevention.
    3 pages/≈825 words | 8 Sources | APA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Reasonableness and the Effectiveness of an Advertisement: DTFall head over heels
    Description: Use principles of “Asking the Right Questions” to identify underlying assumptions and values of the ad (Ch 6 and 7 of ARQ) to evaluate both the reasonableness and the effectiveness of the ad.
    2 pages/≈550 words | 5 Sources | MLA | Literature & Language | Essay |
  • Writing An Analytical Essay: Blood Diamond
    Description: What economic issues are presented in the film, and what are their consequences? What roles do transnational corporations play in these issues? Are they responsible for the political and ethical dilemmas that relate with their businesses? Why
    4 pages/≈1100 words | 4 Sources | APA | Creative Writing | Essay |
  • Impactions of Big Data to Business Research Assignment
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