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Christians, Entertaining Angels, IAM the Lord your God

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Entertaining angels
Entertaining Angels
There are a number of commandments that embody the life of s Christian and what it should be. One of the most important commandments is the first one which states that IAM the Lord your God; you shall have no gods besides me. This is a commandment that cautions Christians to make sure that they do not form idols which they hold above God. To put this into perspective, the second god in the commandment starts with a small case letter meaning that, it is referring to objects that Christians may hold above God. One of the best example of this is the value that most of the people will attach to money even above the respect that they have for God. In connection to this is the third commandment that states, Keep holy the Sabbath. For most people working and getting the money is more important than going to church on Sunday. Making that extra money on the weekend comes first. It is important to consider the commandment that requests every other Christian to make sure that they honor their parents. More often than not Christians will dishonor their parents in the quest for independence in their lives. It is important for every other Christian to note that honoring ones parents is a commandment that comes with a promise. Onto more volatile matters is the issue of taking life. This is an issue that most people do not feel comfortable discussing. In the fifth commandment, Christians are commanded to make sure that they do not take the life of another person. The controversy is largely associated with the spirit of the commandment, especially in light of killing in self-defense. Ideally, the commandment points to the element of taking a life for personal gain, where one is faced with the danger of harm they are supposed to fight back. More importantly is the issue associated with abortion that has the society divided. The commandment discourages abortion for personal gains; however in the situations where the mother is in danger or the child may not survive, it is allowed. Lastly, there is issue of stealing which is discouraged in the seventh commandment. Stealing will take many forms from ideas to products, discouraging the element of taking what does not belong to us without permission.
Entertaining angels: The Dorothy Day Story, is film that is quite inspiring for any Christian. It is about treating everyone as an angel despite their background. It is a film that embodies the spirit of metanoia. Change that begins in the heart and one that is transformative. There is an element of spiritual conversion that associated with this type o...
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