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Sponsors of Literacy Summary

Essay Instructions:

For your first writing exercise, read the article in the link below. Then, in 1-2 pages, answer the questions in the following prompt. Remember to quote directly from Brandt's article to help support your points.

Writing Prompt:

Compare your own literacy history to those of Branch and Lopez. Then consider who your primary literacy sponsors were (people, as well as institutions like churches or clubs or school systems) and what literacies they taught you (academic, civic, religious, and so on). Would you consider the access provided by these sponsors adequate? What literacies have you not had access to that you wish you had?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sponsors of Literacy
Sponsors of literacy
Deborah Brandt article titled ‘Sponsors of Literacy’ is a well written article that explains the concept of literacy and the meaning of literacy. According to the article, the author provides better insights for readers, citing that he is a professor at the University of Wisconsin and she is has written three books. The main point she is trying to convey is to show how literacy can affect your sponsors. Sponsors, in this case, are individuals like teachers who ensure that you learn how to read. They have the skill to control and also limit your levels of acquiring reading skills.
Deborah gives specific examples of sponsors, for instance, Dora Lopez which explains how the environment that one grows up can easily influence your literacy. She uses an example of Dwayne Lowery an automobile worker who is also a union representative and can negotiate hard in court. Debora uses Dwayne as an example to explain the theory of sponsors showing how to identify what literacy is and its influence on people.
According to my literary history and the branch of Lopez, there are certain differences, because of the types of learning resources used to enable us to become literate. In Lopez branch, the fact that one comes from a rich family being literate is expected the sponsors are not worried about teaching her how to read and write. She can easily access learning materials, and she has no limitations regarding accessing any learning materials because they can easily afford.
In the branch she grew up, she had computers to aid her in her studies, making her smarter .With Lopez, schooling which is important to anyone's success did not become relevant according to the article, which I agree with Brandt‘s argument. Brandt argues that class and race can impact on individual levels of access to literacy sponsors. Several statistics reveal the fact that minority groups, especially African Americans and Latinos have low income and this directly affects their wealth accumulation and their literacy levels. This means that is one life in an environment with limited resources his chances of acquiring literacy sponsorship becomes limited.
As compared to my literacy history, I feel that I was more privileged than other students when I was growing up. I came from a middle-class lifestyle where things were not so easy. Accessing money was not easy, and my parents had to balance their income to fit all of us. I did attend a private Christian school and started school early. I had the chance to start pre-school and pre-K, giving the chance to start learning at an early age.
I had access to several books when I was growing up and also accessed things like computers. However, learning in a Christian school, there were certain limitations of the types of literature we coul...
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