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Causes Of The War Based On English Grievances Against The Natives

Essay Instructions:

Question- Based on your careful reading and analysis of the collection of five documents entitled “King Philip’s War,” please complete the following:- Each of the documents in the packet—in their own way—suggest possible reasons for the outbreak of King Philip’s War in 1675. It is 2018, and representatives from both the English and Native American sides in this conflict have asked you to use your newly acquired knowledge of this conflict to settle the question of blame for once and for all. However, you have only these five historical documents to work with. Here is your assignment:- Paragraph 1* Based on your careful reading and analysis of the documents, explain the primary causes of the war based on English grievances against the Natives. You must use examples and evidence drawn from at least two separate documents in this paragraph (though please feel free to use more). PLEASE NOTE: Bear in mind that not all English people quoted in these documents felt the same way about the causes of this conflict.- Paragraph 2‘- Based on your careful reading and analysis of the documents, explain the primary causes of the war based on Native American grievances against the English. You must use examples and evidence drawn from at least two separate documents in this paragraph (though please feel free to use more). PLEASE NOTE: Bear in mind that most of the documents were created by English people, thus making a true understanding of Native American grievances potentially more challenging (though not impossible) to discern.- Paragraph 3'- Based on your careful reading and analysis of the documents, which side appeared to suffer more as a result of the conflict? You must use examples and evidence drawn from at least two separate documents in this paragraph (though please feel free to use more).- Paragraph 4: Finally, based on your careful reading and analysis of the documents, along with the analysis contained in your first three paragraphs, explain which side—Native American or English—was primarily to blame for the outbreak of King Philip’s War, and as always, be as specific as possible in explaining your choices.Directions:Your paragraphs must be:- Typed- Double-spaced- 1-inch margins- 12-point font- Proofread carefully. Always proofread your work out loud and at least three times before submission. Your ears will catch mistakes that your eyes will miss.- Place your name at the top of the first page.Using Evidence:- Your response must demonstrate that you have carefully read, analyzed, and thought about the information contained in the documents.- While the majority of the writing in your response will be your own words, the strongest historical writing always makes sure to include pieces of evidence and examples that help illustrate and support the author’s overall point.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
King Philip’s War
Based on your careful reading and analysis of the documents, explain the primary causes of the war based on English grievances against the Natives. You must use examples and evidence drawn from at least two separate documents in this paragraph. Bear in mind that not all English people quoted in these documents felt the same way about the causes of this conflict.
The English believed and even relished in their innocence. They believed they were the victims in the war and that the Indians were solely to blame. One of the reasons they gave at least according to Benjamin Church, an aide to Plymouth governor Josiah Winslow, was that the Indians were plotting against them. “Mr. Church had it daily suggested to him that the Indians were plotting a bloody design. That Philip the great Mount-hope Sachem was leader therein: and so it prov’d he was sending his Messengers to all the Neighboring Sachems, to engage them in a Confederacy with him in the War” (1716). Another grievance the English had involved the sale of land. According to John Easton’s document (1675), King Philip sold more land than the English agreed to. “When their King sold land, the English would say, it was more than they agreed to, and a Writing must prove against all them, and some of their Kings had dun Rong [done wrong] to sell so much.” This simply means that the natives had broken some of the agreements the two factions had and therefore, deserved what followed.
Based on your careful reading and analysis of the documents, explain the primary causes of the war based on Native American grievances against the English.
Like the English, the Native Americans also had their grievances. One of the grievances according to John Easton’s document was that the English cattle was destroying the native’s corn. “Another Grievance, the English Catell [cattle] and Horses still increased; that when they removed 30 Miles from where English had any thing to do, they could not keep their Corn from being spoiled” (1675). Additionally, the English knew and exploited the Indians’ addiction to liquor. “The English were so eager to sell the Indians Lickers [liquor], that most of the Indians spent all in Drunknes, and then ravened upon the sober Indians, and they did believe often did hurt the English Cattel, and their King could not prevent it.” The above grievance is also echoed in Edward Randolph’s account of the war and he states that the English would entice the Indians and lure them into breaching the set laws and one of the way...
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