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Hybrid Activity 1: Jan van Eyck's Arnolfini Portrait

Essay Instructions:

Hybrid Activity 1: Jan van Eyck's Arnolfini Portrait
1. Write a short essay on Jan Van Eyck's Arnolfini Portrait painting. Use the information on the painting under the tab Arnolfini Portrait Resources for background knowledge and information when you construct your essay. Include the following when you structure your essay:
1. A general description of the painting: what do you see? What is going on?
2. Talk about two objects in the painting: What are they, what do they mean and why do you find them interesting.
3. Talk about one of the theories presented in the material and discuss it. What is your opinion about it?
4. Include any other thoughts you have about the painting!
Arnolfini Portrait Resources: (4 sources below)
-National Gallery page :The webpage has a zoom feature which allows you to get a closer look at the objects in the painting.
Link of National Gallery Page > http://www(dot)nationalgallery(dot)org(dot)uk/paintings/jan-van-eyck-the-arnolfini-portrait
-Arnolfini portrait : This website gives you good information on the painting along with other images from the era that relates to aspects of the painting.
Link of Arnolfini portrait > https://www(dot)oneonta(dot)edu/faculty/farberas/arth/arth214_folder/van_eyck/arnolfini.html
-Article about the Arnolfini Portrait : (not sure if you can get through this source, if not, I attached the file that you can open)
Link >https://learn(dot)vccs(dot)edu/bbcswebdav/pid-112347327-dt-content-rid-124480489_2/courses/NV280.ART.102.Y60N.SP18/NV280.ART.102.080N.SP17_ImportedContent_20170311042709/NV280.ART.102.060N.SP17_ImportedContent_20170104070328/GIOVANNIARNOLFINIANDHISBRIDE.pdf
- Jan van Eyck, Arnolfini Portrait : Video on the Arnolfini Portrait
Link> https://www(dot)khanacademy(dot)org/humanities/renaissance-reformation/northern-renaissance1/burgundy-netherlands/v/van-eyck-portrait-of-giovanni-arnolfini-and-his-wife-1434
Let me know if you cannot access to any of all the sources. All 4 sources are very important.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Jan Van Eyck’s Arnolfini Portrait
The painting shows a man and a woman holding hands. The man is raising one of his hands in a manner that one would do when greeting someone else. In addition, there is a convex mirror on the wall that shows the images of two people. There is also a dog facing the door. On the ceiling, is a chandelier that depicts royalty. There is a florid inscription above the mirror which shows that the artist was present because it has his name. Next to Giovvani is a pair of slippers with a spectacular design. As well, the room has a bed and a few oranges placed on a table. Hanging on the wall is a brush and a few beads (The Arnolfini Portrait).
The artist uses the mirror to introduce new subjects into his paints as a way of utilizing space. “Johannes van Eyck fuit hic” is encryption above it which is used to show the presence of the artist in the reception room (Jan Van Eycks Arnolfini Wedding Portait). As well, the circular convex glass was the only available design during that time and was a rare commodity due to its high price. Therefore, its availability in this portrait is an indication of a privileged family within the society.
Also, the oranges depict a culture that valued the fruit. The people of Bruges imported oranges from the south since it was a rare delicacy. Their prices were high due to the fact that they acted as an item for adding zest to the sauces that were known to liven the dull winter fare. The fruit was also used as a symbol of marriage and love. Also doctors advised people to carry oranges so as to drive away the plague. This can be compared to today’s medicinal value of fruits.
One of the theories presente...
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