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Module 8 Portfolio Project: Effective Communication in Leadership Training Proposal

Essay Instructions:

Options 1 & 2: Business Proposal
For this assignment, you will write a proposal to your organization’s senior management team for a project you would like to receive approval for. The section titled Practical Skills: Proposal Writing in the interactive lecture on page V of Module 7 provides guidance to help you determine the specific needs of your audience.

Your proposal will be based on the work you have already done for the Module 6 Critical Thinking Assignment.  You will be writing on the topic you chose for that assignment, either:

  • Leadership Training Need Identified
  • Reward and Recognition Program Needed

Review the information provided in the Module 7, Page V, Practical Skills: Proposal Writing, interactive lecture.  Use the proposal template (link below) for the assignment.

Your proposal should be 6-8 pages in length and conform to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Include at least 5 scholarly references, proper in-text citation, and a reference page. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effective Communication in Leadership Training Proposal
Effective Communication in Leadership Training Proposal
Looking back at the history of this company, it is indeed essential to acknowledge the effort that the management has put into making sure that every staff member is adequately equipped to handle whichever task they are required to do. Over the years, I have witnessed the incredible lengths the management often goes to, to ensure every staff member depicts the necessary skills in their field of specialization. The results have indeed been impeccable with employees’ productivity increasing every year. Aside from productivity, employees have also approached their work with the right attitude, and the mood around the organization improved a great deal. It would be underwhelming to say that we have a visionary management, which believes in empowering its employees and helping them reach their highest potential. Additionally, the management has also managed to the best of its ability to interweave its vision for the company with the employee’s personal and career goals. The retention rates have indeed never been higher, and I believe with more training, we can eclipse the level we are in.
Identification of the Leadership Training Need
While holding a leadership position, one is often expected not to make mistakes or even to exhibit anything which could lead people to believe they are human. However, human is to err, and it should be expected that everyone will make mistakes regardless of the position they hold. One of the problems in our leadership as I have come to realize is the lack of effective communication. Effective communication is indeed one of the greatest challenges we have in our company, and I believe by training our leaders on how to communicate effectively we can eliminate this problem. According to the Online Business Dictionary, effective communication is “a two-way information sharing process which involves one party sending a message that is easily understood by the receiving party.” Effective communication is simply communicating in a way that successfully conveys the intended message and in a way that makes it simple for the intended message to be understood.
While communication in our organization is near perfect, the message communicated often never reaches the intended audience or is often misunderstood. Leaders are always doing a perfect job of communicating and using the available channels. However, what many of them fail to realize is the need to communicate in a way that the intended recipient will be able to comprehend the message or in a way that the message will evoke the intended action. As a leader, any formal communication made must have a target, and the target must respond accordingly. However, it has come to my attention that while most leaders communicate on a regular basis with those below them, there is always confusion over what should be done or what should be done or who should do what needs to be done. Additionally, leaders often fail to consider certain aspects of communication including timeliness, accuracy, listening, simplicity, knowledge of the recipient, articulation, etc. The above aspects are indeed important and often go a long way in making sure a message is well received, and the appropriate feedback or action is induced.
Initially, I thought the problem was with the recipients, but after close assessment of the problem, I realized our leadership lacks the necessary skills to communicate effectively. Communication is indeed a great part of leading, and for a leader to be considered effective, they must learn the necessary skills of communicating effectively. According to Luthra and Dahlya (2015), “while hiring a manager, good communication skills are considered to be the most imperative skills a manager must have.” The authors continue to state that “for an effective manager it is obligatory to ensure persuasion, responsibility, premeditated association, creating and managing value system and to provide support and motivation to his teams.” The truth is the above roles cannot be achieved without the necessary communication skills. Any manager or leader must understand the need to communicate and to communicate effectively. I believe in training effective communication, which will help to enhance our leadership and propel us further ahead in our business agenda. Effective communication will ensure our leaders and employees are always in sync and this will mean actualizing the company’s dreams will indeed be easier and simple.
The Need for Effective Communication in Leadership
People often look at communication as simply the transmission of information. However, for a leader, communication should encompass something bigger and greater. It should be a tool for inspiration and connection. A significant number of leaders will agree that communication is critical in every organization and according to Kazmierski (2012), effective communication always starts at the top or with the leaders and then flows downwards to the employees. The truth is, anything good within an organizati...
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