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Narrative Essay: I Met An Ugly Truth About Myself

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1

Narrative Essay #1

 Write an essay that describes how you discovered something about yourself as a unique and unrepeatable person—perhaps it was when meeting your virtual self.

 The Genre: Narrative is a primary mode of human communication. It can explore personal topics (“How did you learn something important about yourself?”) or very public ones. The genre's key feature is that it tells a story—what happened, how it happened, why it happened. Often narrative is imbedded within other kinds of writing: a company profile might include the “story” of how the company was founded, for example, or a proposal for school funding might describe a typical day at an under-funded school. Other times narrative comprises an entire piece of writing—as in a novel, for example. A narrative essay is a piece of non-fiction writing that uses narrative as the main way of developing the point of the essay. Effective writers of narrative know how to establish and follow a chronological pattern (not always a linear one) and to develop ideas and descriptions as fully as necessary with details and dialogue.


How This Genre Functions in the University: While college students certainly write narratives in creative writing classes, they also write various kinds in many other courses. Journalism students write narrative descriptions of criminal investigations. Social Work students write case-studies of at-risk teenagers. Business students write company profiles. History students write about past political and social events. The degree of development and the nature of the descriptive detail vary according to the discipline and the purpose of the writing, of course, but narrative writing as a general form is quite common.


Assignment:  A revelation of who we really are can happen when we least expect it, and often we are not aware that it happened until we reflect on it.  John Knight’s “A Lesson in Dignity,” Loyd Webb’s “Eye on the Prize,” and Todd Miedema’s “Going to the Creek” illustrate unexpected lessons that occurred at a precise moment in a convergence of experience and processing. The moment caused a heightened personal awareness.  Almost inevitably the moment involves another person. One student, for example, told how a friend’s persistent urging to take an important part in the senior play led him to discover himself as “more than just a jock who played sports,” but rather a person with a singing ability. Another described his father’s death as a painful loss, but one that gave him the ability to see the struggles of others better.   


Paper Guidelines:  Your essay should be four or five double-spaced pages. Remember that you are not just telling a story; you are using narrative as a way to develop an essay with a particular point to make. You should create some kind of opening that lets the reader know what the focus of your essay is, and organize your essay to highlight your main point. A good way to do this is to frame your narrative.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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One thing I have come to realize is that people do not know themselves as much as they would like other people to think. Some are surprised when it turns out that they know themselves less than they thought. However, what they fail to realize is that ignorance towards oneself is quite real. The journey to discovering oneself is long and often involves instances of heartbreaks and broken relationships. Unlike what many people believe, self-discovery is a process and a journey that calls for patience. This journey is marred by a lot of fear, doubt, misunderstanding, and confusion as one’s life unfolds, and a person is forced to face the truth. This journey can happen intentionally or unintentionally. When it happens intentionally, it involves a conscious decision an individual decides to make to discover themselves. It can also happen randomly as it happened to me and this is often triggered by some events which lead to a revelation. Sadly for me, I met an ugly truth about myself, but I can categorically say that it is the best lesson I had in my life.
I had always heard of the phrase “needy people”, but I had never pictured myself as one. I believed I was independent and that I could do anything I wanted even when my friends were not around. I led myself to believe that I was strong and that I did not need anyone to live my life. However, as I looked at my life and the truth before my eyes, I realized that I was indeed needy and hence many people, including some of my best friends used to take advantage of this fact. Apparently, even though I believed I could exist and even thrive on my own, I always felt the incessant need to hang around my friends, follow them everywhere, and do whatever it was they asked. Well, for me, I thought this was normal and that friends are supposed to always be in the company of their friends. However, some of them despised this behavior and therefore, decided to make me pay for it. I was not aware of their intentions and continued to be the loyal friend I had been all my life. However, having looked back at myself and how I acted while I was with them, I realize they had every right to do what they were doing.
As a needy person, one gets to do things they should not do or act in the way they should not. I remember one day my friends started making fun of a fellow student and after a while they all noticed I was not speaking. At that instance, I was given ultimatums and to summarize, I was asked to join in the heckling or to find another group. Every ounce of my being knew what they were doing was wrong but to avoid being thrown off the group, I joined in the heckling and we did this every day or every time we came across that student. Every time I was alone, I always questioned what we did and if I should always join in or stand my ground. However, the thought of being alone with no group to validate me always scared me and therefore, I pushed such thoughts behind. Additionally, I always defended our actions especially when called upon by other accountability...
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