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Digital Computer Crime: Major Categories Of Computer Crimes

Essay Instructions:

Due Week 3 and worth 210 points

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

Explain the four (4) major categories of computer crimes, and provide at least one (1) example for each.

Explain the most common forms of digital crime.

Determine the category of computer crimes or cyber terrorism that presents the greatest overall threat at the present time. Provide a rationale to support your response.

Summarize the roles and responses that the U.S. government, court systems, and law enforcement agencies in combatting computer crime. Next, suggest one (1) additional way—i.e., one not discussed in the textbook—that the law enforcement agencies can better counteract computer crime.

Use at least three (3) quality references for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assignment 1: Digital Computer Crime
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Course Title
Assignment 1: Digital Computer Crime
Computer crimes are among the many challenges facing the world in the 21st century. The society has witnessed an increase in computer crimes as a result of the latest advancements in information and communication technologies (ICTs). The term computer crime is synonymous with various terms, including e-crime, hi-tech crime, and cybercrime. It is construed differently by national security experts, criminologists, lawyers, police, and technical experts (Brown, 2015). As such, computer crimes lack a single definition. The definition of computer crime definition remains elusive due to the uncertainty on whether it refers to technological, legal, or sociological aspects of crime (Brown, 2015). However, there is a consensus among scholars that a computer crime entails the utilization of computer networks or Internet in perpetrating crimes, with the computer serving either as a target or means for committing the crime (Prasanthi & Ishwarya, 2015). This paper examines the four major categories of cybercrimes; the category presenting the greatest overall threat; the most common forms of digital crime; the responses and the role of law enforcement agencies, court systems, combating such crimes; as well as providing the necessary recommendation for counteracting computer crime.
Categories of Computer Crimes
Rayes, Brittson, O’Shea, and Steele (2011) classify computer crimes into four major categories: cyber-trespass, cyber-violence, cyber-thefts and deceptions, and cyber-pornography. Cyber-trespass involves crossing the boundaries into someone else’s property and/or creating damage (Rayes, Brittson, O’Shea & Steele, 2011). An individual is held liable for cyber-trespass if he or she is found guilty of intentionally disrupts, destroys, damages, deletes, alters, or accesses computer data, computer program, computer network, or computer system without authorization (USLegal, 2016). Computer hackers are most commonly associated with computer-trespass. While the legislation relating to computer-trespass vary from one state to another, they share a common element that such computer crime entails unauthorized access to a computer system or computer. For instance, viruses, defacement, and hacking all constitute computer-trespass.
Cyber-violence is also another category of computer crimes. It is defined as inflicting physical harm against or causing psychological harm to anyone and hence violating the laws relating to the person’s protection (Rayes, Brittson, O’Shea & Steele, 2011). Examples of cyber-violence include stalking and hate speech. Cyber-stalking is analogous to traditional stalking only that it employs ICTs as the medium and means of intimidating or harassing others (Visiu & Visiu, 2013). It refers to obsessively or persistently harassing an individual in a frightening, intimidating, tormenting, or alarming way. Cyber-stalking significantly overlaps with cyber-bullying and cyber-harassment.
Cyber-thefts and deceptions are the third categories of cybercrimes. It entails all ways that one may utilize to illegally acquire material or information online (Holt & Bossler, 2015). Particularly, sensitive or critical information and data relayed over the Internet or stored in various databases are prone to theft. Some examples of this category of cybercrime include intellectual property (IP) violation and credit/debit card fraud (Rayes, Brittson, O’Shea & Steele, 2011). The latter occurs when an individual fraudulently forges, buys, sells, signs takes, or obtains another person’s debit/credit information on the card; utilizes her or his credit/debit card that is expired or lacking enough money; or uses illegally obtained credit/debit card in makingtransactions (Thomson Reuters, 2018). IP violation entails infringement of an individual’s IP rights, including trademarks, patents, and copyrights.
Finally, cyber-pornog...
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