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Several Bible Scriptures Retreat Reflection Paper

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Retreat reflection paper
Retreat reflection paper
Several Bible scriptures describe how people encountered God in unexpected ways, transforming many people’s lives. God used different people to show his mysteriousness and his relentless efforts to save his people from evil. For example, in Exodus, Moses encountered God through a burning bush. God used the burning bush to catch Moses attention and reassure him of his promise to his people.
Moses recognized God's holiness hiding his face (Bible Study Tools, 2014). He knew that he was not worth to see God because of his sinful deeds. God still used him to show his might. After the encounter, I believed that Moses faith was kindled, and he acknowledged the Gods' power.
Similarly, the book of Luke presents a woman's encounter with God's son. A woman termed as a sinner showed Jesus love by wiping Jesus' feet using her hair, kissing Jesus' feet and anointing them with fragrant oil. She kissed Jesus feet showing reverence, respect, and humility. All she wanted was forgiveness (Bible Study Tools, 2014).
The woman’s encounter with Jesus proved that God could forgive any sinner so long as we believe and seek his forgiveness (Bible Study Tools, 2014). The sinful woman was at peace because her sins have been forgiven and he was no longer considered as an outcast like before.
During Pentecost, Jesus follower strangely encountered God when they were praying, the sound like the rush of violent wind and tongue-shaped flame rested upon their heads symbolizing God’s presence (Bible Study Tools, 2014).
Those who experienced God's presence were filled with the Holy Spirit because of their strong faith in God. After the encounter, Jesus followers spread the word of God among non-believers to enable Christians to live in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit (Bible Study Tools, 2014).
Elijah encountered God when he was troubled, having served the Lord earnestly, Elijah felt discouraged and alone. However, God, revealed himself to Elijah using a still small voice to reassure him of his guidance (Bible Study Tools, 2014). Elijah went back with majesty after the encounter because he was assured that he was not alone.
Saul's encounter with God is one of the common referencing points of how God can transform people from a sinner to a true Christian. The God called him, asking him why he was persecuting him the Lord wanted him to reconsider his actions (Bible Study Tools, 2014).
Saul wanted to please the Lord, but in reality, he was persecuting Jesus himself (Bible Study Tools, 2014). Saul realized Jesus was alive when Jesus replied, telling him who he was. God ordered Saul to go back to the city and wait for God’s instructions; Saul became a humble man who s...
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