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Diet Analysis And Report, BA In Sports And Exercise Science

Essay Instructions:

Assessment 1 – Nutritional evaluation and dietary analysis report
Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2, and 3.
For this assessment you are required to write a 2000 word report and dietary plan (inclusive of
the diet analysis) based on the scenario outlined below.
Phil is 55 year old and has started training 3 times per week with a mix of cardio and weights and running. He is 176 cm in height and currently weighs 78.2 kg, has a body fat of 29% (22.7kg) and a lean mass of 71% (55.5 kg). His goal is to get down to 20% body fat.
Using this scenario, you are required to determine how many calories need to be lost to achieve a 20% body fat for this client and make recommendations on what is an achievable time frame to meet this goal. In addition you must analyse the 5 day diet diary found on Blackboard and discuss any nutrient deficiencies or over consumption and whether his diet meets the governments current Eatwell Guide. Then discuss these and make recommendations to help him achieve his goal. You should also include a sample 1 week meal plan that would help achieve the clients goal.
Report Structure
Introduction: This introduces the project – you should discuss the importance of nutritional assessment and the different methods of assessing nutritional requirements and energy expenditure. You should also introduce some dietary reference values for safe weight loss, gain and maintenance and discuss the merits of the UK Eatwell Guide. (15%)
Diet analysis: This section should present an analysis of the clients current macro and micro nutrient intake and calories based on the diet plan you have been given and also critically discuss where his current diet meets the recommended guidelines for health for a person of his age and gender. (35%).
Meal Plan: In this section you should discuss how many calories and macronutrients are required and how much needs to be lost for the client to reach his 20% body fat goal. You should then include a sample 1 week meal plan and discuss the rationale behind this. Make sure you justify your recommendations by linking to supporting references and data. I am looking for evidence of understanding so I expect it to be explained in your own words. Excessive reliance on direct quotes from source texts and the use of undefined jargon suggests a lack of understanding. Successive paragraphs should be linked so that there is a definite structure. (40%)
Conclusion: A brief summary/synthesis of your findings. (5%)
Bibliography: All the references you cite in the text should be fully referenced here. (5%)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nutrition Assessment (Case Study of Phil)
Nutrition Assessment (Case Study of Phil)
Healthy eating habit is essential for productive life. Nutritional status is the basic foundation of healthy and productive life. Poor nutritional status contributes to compromised immunity and high chances of contracting the tropical disease. More importantly, good nutritional status enhances school performance. Malnourished children have reduced IQ and are sometimes disabling. In other words, good nutritional status is the basic foundation of life. The human body needs adequate nutrients for optimal metabolic processes. However, inadequate supply of nutrient from the diet contribute to nutritional deficiency. Overnutrition is also harmful to the body. Some nutrients like protein are never required more than the body. It becomes toxic to the body when supplied in excess. Therefore overconsumption of nutrients is harmful to the body.
Keeping a healthy body weight is important for various health benefits. According to the Prevent Cancer Foundation, the lean body reduces the chances of contracting breast cancer. Phil should, therefore, aim at reducing the body fat from current 29 percent to 20 percent. Healthy body weight also improves heart health. Individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of more than 25 are more likely to show the signs of early plaque buildup in their veins and arteries (Astrup 2006). Other advantages of maintaining healthy body weight include increased fertility, improved sleep, and decreased risk of diabetes.
Weight gain is a product of diet. The quality and quantity of food in the diet has a strong impact on the weight. Excessive intake of calories contributes to rapid weight gain. Besides, physical inactivity and hereditary factors may also contribute to weight gain. Some individuals are genetically predisposed to gain weight than others. An active life is also important in weight control and health. Inadequate sleep may also contribute to intended weight gain. Lack of sleep disrupts the balance of essential hormones that control appetite. In other words, the sleep-deprived individuals are often hungrier than those who get enough rest each night.
Nutritional assessment is conducted to define patient’s nutritional status as well as monitoring the changes in the nutritional status. Appropriate nutritional assessment enables the health workers to health workers to establish and design relevant nutritional intervention programs. The nutritional education plans are also established on accurate assessment. There are various effective nutritional assessment methods used to establish the nutritional status of the population (Grant, 1986). These methods include clinical observation, biochemical assessment method, anthropometric method and dietary observation.
The anthropometric method focuses on the measurement of weight, height, waist to hip ratio, head circumference, and skinfold thickness. These measurements are used against the standards references to establish the nutritional status of the patient. MUAC measurements are essential for pregnant women while the length measurements are used for children to establish the growth curve of children. Clinical observation is based on a diagnosis of clinical signs and symptoms. For instance, pale but dry skin indicate iron deficiency while protein deficiency includes thin and weak body, loss of weight and among others (Smith, 2012). Biochemical assessment method is based on the measurement of body fluid like blood, and urine. For instance, plasma glucose test is used to establish the amount of sugar in the blood. A urine test can also be used to establish the deficient nutrient in the body. Dietary observation entails the analysis of diet history to establish the dietary patterns and habit of the population. The method is good to provide a wide array of limiting nutrients though it used in conjunction with another nutritional assessment method.
Rapid loss of weight is unhealthy. According to UK Eat Well Guide, 0.5 kg to 1 kg loss of weight per week is recommended. Adopting fad diet to shed off excess weight is unhealthy since it can contribute to dysfunction of metabolic processes. According to UK Eat Well Guide, Phil should increase the intake of vegetables, fruits, and water to achieve healthy weight loss (Buttriss, 2016).
Diet Analysis
According to the case study, Phil has the following measurements
Height 176 cm
Weight 78.2 kg
Age 55 years
Training 3 times per week
According to Harris- Benedicts Equation,
Basal Energy Expenditure is given through
BMR= 66 + (13.7*78.2) + (5*176) - (6.8*55)
= 66 + 1071.34 + 880 – (374)
= (2017.34 – 374)
= 1643.34 kcal/day
However, the amount of the calories Phil burns after adding activity factor is obtained by;
BMR* activity multiplier
Thus; (1643.34 kcal/day * 1.4)
= 2300 kcal
Macronutrients Requirements
CHO predictions
The total calories for Phil are 2300 kcal. However, the carbohydrates requirements should range between 50% to 60%. Therefore,
CHO is (50/100 *2300) = 1150.
We, divide by 4 kcal to find the amount of grams required for Phil to consume
(1150/4) = 287.5gr
Protein Requirements
For protein requirements, the percentage of is between 15 % to 25 %
For Phil, we have (15/100*2300)
= 345 kcal.
We divide this by 4 kcal to get the amount of gram of proteins required
(345/4) = 86 grams.
Fat predictions
Fats requirements range from 20 % to 35 %. However, for Phil, he should consume
(20/100 *2300)
= 460 kcal
Thus to obtained the number of fats required, we divide by 9 kcal
Thus we have, (460/9)
= 51grams
Hydration needs
Phil needs 35ml of fluids per kg body weight. This will translate to 2700 ml per day. This is because he is engaged in strenuous exercise activity of about 3 times per week.
Meal plan for Phil
1-week diet diary
Day 1
Time of the day/ meal



Cooking method

Nutritional comments


Black coffee and Boiled sweet potato

300 ml
1 serving cup of 250 ml

Boiled rice

This is to reduce the number of fats in the body.


2 glasses of water

2 glasses of water @ 250 ml


For improved digestion and other metabolic processes


Stewed beef and fried rice

3-4 pieces of meat size of matchbox and Fried rice

Stewed beef
Fried rice
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