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HRM 11415 Part B: The Role of Leaders in Enabling Effective Change Management Within Organizations

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The Role of Leaders in Enabling Effective Change Management Within Organizations

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The Role of Leaders in Enabling Effective Change Management Within Organizations
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The Role of Leaders in Enabling Effective Change Management Within Organizations
1.0 Introduction
In life, change is always inevitable and it is a normal aspect for any living entity or that whose existence derives validity in existence. As Sharma (2007) notes, even time would make no meaning in the absence of change, and since change will manifest in multiple ways, it will not have the same connotation across situations, people and other contexts. As times, people and situations change, so do organizations. With the globalization of economies and the consequences of liberalization, competition, privatization, deregulation, mergers and acquisitions and the developments in information technologies (IT), the operating landscape for organizations and businesses around the globe is bound to change (Sharma, 2007). In case these changes are not effectively managed, failures in business operations are rife. There are a number of reasons to account for the failures and ineffectiveness in change efforts. The two most frequent issues that are responsible for such failures include the inappropriate response by organizations to new realities and a situation where leaders fail to provide an effective containing function to manage distress and anxieties resulting from change (Beerel, 2009). According to Renz (2016), leaders in an organization come up with an effective team that will assist in achieving the set goals of production. This paper examines the role of leaders in change management in culminating failures to achieve a smooth transition.
2.0 Role of Leaders in Change Management
2.1 Communication
Leaders are required to ensure that there is a continuous communication within their organizations for effective change management. Communication is essential in preparing the employees to change, considering the external business environment. The management is required to discuss the changes with the staff to handle the changes in business environment (Fleisher & Bensoussan 2015). The workforce is required to know changes that are expected in the market to achieve the set objectives of production. When an organization intends to change the management, there is resistance from the stakeholders. Consistent communication in the business provides the internal and external stakeholders with the required information about the effective management of the business (Wild, Wild & Han 2014). The employee queries require being handled before the change for a constant flow of business operations. The changes in an organization are aimed at taking advantage of opportunities in the market through responsible control of operations in the business. A leader is required to be repetitive to make the employees understand the need for change to improve the engagement of employees in the business. Communication is used in training and development of employees to integrate the changes to acquire new skills that will achieve set goals of production.
2.2 Developing Strategies
Strategies are aimed at achieving set long-term goals of production through the analysis of the external business environment. The leaders are required to ensure that the goal implemented by a business should offer a competitive edge in the market. According to Peppard and Ward (2016), top management is used in coming up with a proper strategy that will offer a plan that will assist in a long-term survival of the organization. The leaders have a great influence on the changing of the management as the stakeholders require evidence on the need for change. The growth strategies require an organization to have highly skilled employees that will offer a sustainable performance in the targeted market. Management change is performed in ensuring that the individuals in the management have the skills and knowledge to handle the diverse external market. The growth strategies such as acquisition, market penetration, diversification and product expansion require an individual that are highly skilled towards the achievement of set production goals (Lew & Sinkovics 2013). The leaders are expected to influence the decision-making process in making it possible to achieve set objectives for the business. The strategies require being implemented by a qualified management thus a change management is needed to acquire a competitive advantage. Leadership is vital to ensuring that there are diversified plans to improve the long-term performance of the business.
2.3 Monitoring of Strategies
The monitoring of strategies is aimed at evaluating the expected result and actual result of the business. It is essential in ensuring that the business is continuously growing towards the achievement of set long-term goals. Leaders are used in acquiring views that will influence the management change within the organization. The management is required to provide a proper procedure that will handle a continuous flow of the business (Ahmad, Bosua & Scheepers 2014). The leaders are used to ensure that the new management in the driving the business towards the attainment of set long-term objectives. The leaders are used to ensuring that the management is accepted by staff to implement a proper flow of the business. The effective procedure that is used by management is executed by the leaders to reduce cases of errors in production. Change in management come up with several modifications to the strategy requiring the leaders to offer advice to the staff on the need to support the new management. The management and employees direct depend on each other in ensuring that the businesses acquire the desired level...
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