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Why Command-and-Control Tenet Change was Necessary

Essay Instructions:

Please do a good job since this is my final essay for the class and i need a good grade. I am choosing you as a preferred writer since you have written papers and done class work for me before like order #00158968.

Thank you!

Final Essay due 25 Feb 2023

Develop an expository or persuasive essay which addresses the following:

Future conflict in the Air domain may occur in a contested environment. Peer- or near-peer conflict in the Air domain would surely complicate Command and Control of Airpower for the COMAFFOR and/or JFACC. Considering this, the Air Force has recently changed a long-standing core Airpower tenet from Centralized Control/Decentralized Execution to Centralized Command/Distributed Control/Decentralized Execution of Joint Airpower. Develop an expository or persuasive essay which addresses why this Command-and-Control tenet change was necessary.

Ensure you answer includes a discussion of applicable C2 organizations, liaisons, and support relationships (i.e. OPCON, TACON etc.).

  • Length: 1300 words.
  • Include appropriate attribution per the Global College Style Guide when the ideas or language of others is referenced.
  • In-text citations must be done in accordance with Global College Style Guide attached and not APA.
  • Follow the eGPME essay template attached
  • Please use official sources like Joint Publication, Joint Air Operations, Information Operations and Cyberspace Operations



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Joint Air Operations
[name here]
Midterm Essay (JA-5510)
XX January 2023
Future conflict in the air domain might take place in a contested environment. The peer conflict in the airspace would complicate the command and control of airpower for the Joint Forces Air Component Commander (JFACC) and Commander Air Force Forces (COMAFFOR). In other words, all the Joint Force Commander (JFC) functional components might be significantly affected. Recently, the Air Force has changed its long-standing core airpower tenet from Centralized Control or Decentralized Execution to Centralized Command or Distributed Control or Decentralized Execution of Joint Airpower. As such, this paper focuses on why the change to Centralized Command is necessary, particularly based on the context of the air domain where conflicts might occur in a contested environment.
The airpower tenet change to Centralized Command, Decentralized Execution, or Distributed Control is crucial to facilitate the effectiveness of military operations in the air domain. In particular, centralized command means proper organizing and planning to facilitate the efficiency and effectiveness of airpower operations. For example, cyber warfare today is defined by the combination of developing doctrines, organizations, and capabilities (Poirier and Lotspeich 2013, 77). The inception of the air domain is increasingly maturing and military operations must make appropriate changes, including the implementation of the Centralized Command. A Centralized Command enhances the effective integration of military capabilities and forces required to succeed in operations. Distributed Control usually exploits the airpower’s versatility and flexibility to make sure that it remains sustainable, responsive, and survivable, especially in a contested environment. In reality, future conflicts are likely to take place in a contested environment, which is why the JFC should be well-prepared. When it comes to Decentralized Execution, it entails the delegation of authority to meet an effective control span, empower subordinates, and foster disciplined initiatives to exploit all the available opportunities. Without the above appropriate changes, peer conflicts in the air domain would complicate Airpower Command and Control. As such, the transition of the Air Force from Centralized Control or Decentralized Execution to Centralized Command or Distributed Control is vital to foster the preparedness for the execution of operations in the air domain in a highly contested environment.
Centralized Command emphasizes making and approving proper decisions by directing military operations in a contested environment. In that light, it facilitates effective communication, airpower coordination, operational and strategic planning, asset allocation, the delegation of authorities, and empowerment of the subordinate commanders. Centralized Command also enables the JFC to plan, prioritize, coordinate, assess, direct, and integrate the airpower assets and capabilities to neutralize potential threats. Besides, space operations must be integrated into the JFC’s planning and execution processes to magnify the effectiveness of the joint force. Space planners usually participate in the daily functional and global inter-theater operations via the joint functional component command for space (JFCC SPACE) (LeMay Center 2016, 138). Distributed Control enables subordinate commanders to act effectively by responding to operational environment changes. Indeed, it enhances the executing commander’s vision, orders, and intent. Moreover, Distributed Control facilitates the allocation of resources based on the commander’s intent and fosters tactical and operational planning. For instance, the Air Force Cyberspace Defense (ACD) weapon system detects, prevents, and responds to intrusions into classified networks (Skinner 2013, 33). On that note, neutralizing such threats facilitate the effectiveness of JFC operations. Decentralized Execution promotes the implementation and execution of the air force commander’s orders by integrating the non-kinetic and kinetic capabilities at the tactical level. In that light, subordinates exploit opportunities in highly dynamic situations, particularly those present in a contested environment.
The traditional Centralized Control or Decentralized Execution did not foster the effectiveness of operational control (OPCON). Notably, without OPCON, military operations cannot take place effectively, meaning that it can result in a significant threat in a contested environment. The Air Force transition to Centralized Command, Distributed Control, or Decentralized Execution was crucial since it fostered the effectiveness of OPCON in the air domain. The Air Force Commander has OPCON, which gives them the flexibili...
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