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The 2022 National Security Strategy

Essay Instructions:

Please use the 2 word documents as guidance for this essay. You can pick to answer either question in the essay from the 2 provided. Please use the attached pdf's as your references depending which question you pick. References must be done in accordance with the guidance attached. Thank you!

Answer your instructor-assigned question in a brief essay. You can pick either question. Remember, if a reading is assigned relevant to the topic of your essay, you need to be sure to integrate it in your analysis.

QUESTION 1: Using David Baldwin’s technique for specifying security claims, evaluate how strategic thinkers can employ “rational scrutiny” (in the words of Hans Morgenthau) to determine the priority of national interests? Do you think this is accomplished in the 2021 National Security Strategy?

QUESTION 2: Analyze the 2022 National Security Strategy with respect to Lykke and Yeager’s concepts/model for strategy. Identify ends, ways, and means as well as possible risks in this strategy. Does this strategy account for criticisms from Meiser as well as criticism from other scholars who have offered alternative views to past National Security Strategies?

  • Length: 850 words. Please use the attached essay template as guidance for this essay.
  • Include appropriate attribution per the Global College Style Guide when the ideas or language of others is referenced. 

Things to remember:

Here are ways to improve your performance and foster critical skills in the field: At the more advanced PME level the student must be able to do more than summarize. Analysis involves knowing the facts, issues, and major causes and evaluating them. Summary involves merely demonstrating a knowledge of facts. Make sure to analyze rather than summarize. First Person. Writing style, first person. Make sure to avoid the first person in formal writing in order to demonstrate objectivity and emphasis on the research. Therefore "I" or "We" statements should not be used. Among the most important checks on one's own assessment is to underline and identify the key arguments and then ask why. If the why factor or root cause is not addressed the assessment is not providing the critical value required in the security field. The danger of addressing symptoms and not causes is primary in the security field. Make sure to drive to depth and address root causes

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The 2022 National Security Strategy
[name here]
Midterm Essay (JA-5510)
XX February 2023
Air University Global College of Professional Military Education
Maxwell AFB, Alabama
The 2022 National Security Strategy (NSS) is a document that outlines the United States strategy for maintaining and advancing its national security interests. Individuals, families, states, and other actors highly value security (Baldwin 1997, 18). It is essential to consider the concepts and model for the strategy proposed by Lykke and Yeager to analyze this strategy. This model of military strategy has become widely influential among members of the U.S. defense community, particularly those in the U.S. Army ‌ (Meiser 2017, 82). Using this framework, the NSS can be broken down into ends, ways, and means, and the potential risks associated with the strategy can be identified. The 2022 National Security Strategy reflects Lykke and Yeager's concept/model for strategy, with clear ends, ways, means, and potential risks identified in the document.
The 2022 National Security Strategy (NSS) is the United States government's comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges and threats of the 21st century in an increasingly complex and interconnected world to ensure the security, prosperity, and values of the United States ("INTERIM NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGIC GUIDANCE 1," "https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1124337.pdf. n.d.). Following Lykke and Yeager's model for strategy development, the NSS consists of four primary components: ends, ways, means, and risks.
The ways component of the equation frequently takes on a supporting role as the ambiguous relationship between ends and means ‌ (Meiser 2017, 83). The ends of the NSS are to ensure national security and advance economic and social prosperity. To ensure national security, the National Security Strategy seeks to protect the homeland by strengthening border security, enhancing homeland defense capabilities, and countering terrorism. It also seeks to enhance national power by expanding the U.S. military and building strong alliances with other nations. Additionally, the NSS looks to safeguard U.S. citizens by promoting better public health and safety, improving education and economic opportunities, and protecting civil liberties. On the global stage, the NSS seeks to promote democracy and human rights abroad, strengthen global alliances, promote global economic prosperity, and defend U.S. interests and values. The NSS also seeks to combat global threats like poverty, hunger, disease, and terrorism.
In practice, the ways aspect of the formula is far more challenging to grasp than the ends and the means (Meiser 2017, 83). The ways of NSS are designed to achieve these ends. This includes using diplomatic, economic, and military power and developing innovative and collaborative approaches to global challenges. Strategic partnerships and international cooperation are also emphasized in the NSS. Effective leadership is also vital to the NSS, as it helps ensure these goals are achieved. Finally, the NSS is an ever-evolving document, adapting to the changing global environment to ensure the nation is secure and prosperous.
According to Lykke's definition, strategy is nothing more than a planning exercise in which goals and means are matched (Meiser 2017, 83). The means of the NSS are the resources and capabilities needed to achieve the desired ends. The NSS is focused on developing the resources and capabilities necessary to achieve the desired ends. This includes strengthening defense and homeland security, enhancing intelligence and cyber capabilities, and improving the resilience of critical infrastructure. It also emphasizes economic development, scientific and technolog...
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