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Queen Latifah’s Confidence-Building Strategies

Essay Instructions:

Cheryl is your coworker at TelCom, a large cable and internet company. You’ve both worked there for the past two years. Cheryl started out part-time in the collections department and is now a full-time customer service representative. Despite the occasional rude or angry comment from customers, Cheryl genuinely likes helping solve the customers’ problems.

While her manager praises her for her patience and efficiency on calls, Cheryl has yet to earn the monthly sales bonus for selling customers additional services. This includes things like converting a service call into a service upgrade. Cheryl wants to earn more money and maybe move up in the company, but she feels uncomfortable and phony reciting the sales script. Whenever a customer tells Cheryl that they’re not interested in adding a premium channel or increasing their internet speed, she feels embarrassed that she even asked. She doesn’t feel confident that she can persuade enough customers to upgrade their television or internet package to ever earn the bonus. She also worries that if she doesn’t increase her sales soon, she will not be able to advance in the company and may even be fired.

Cheryl knows you’re taking this course and comes to you for advice on how she can build up her confidence at work. For this assignment, you’ll use four of Queen Latifah’s confidence-building strategies to help Cheryl cultivate more confidence at her job.

  1. Write an introductory paragraph describing Cheryl and her situation. Introduce the four strategies you’ve used to let Cheryl know you have a plan to help her gain confidence at work
  2.  Example 1: Give an example of how Cheryl can use a strategy from Queen Latifah’s second Law of Confidence—Be Yourself—to help her build her confidence at work
  3. Example 2.  Give an example of how Cheryl can use a strategy from Queen Latifah’s third Law of Confidence—Push Yourself—to help her build her confidence at work.
  4. Example 3. Give an example of how Cheryl can use a strategy from Queen Latifah’s fourth Law of Confidence—Learn from the Past—to help her build her confidence at work.
  5. Give an example of how Cheryl can use a strategy from Queen Latifah’s fifth Law of Confidence—Be Positive—to help her build her confidence at work.
  6. Provide a summary of why you think the strategies you chose from Queen Latifah’s Laws of Confidence will help Cheryl build up her confidence at work. How will cultivating her confidence contribute to her success in her career?
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Week 7 Assignment
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Week 7 Assignment
In recent years there has been researching regarding self-confidence and assurance. Most people highlight that the individual’s self-confidence should not be dependent on external but internal forces. Most people, such as Cheryl, are looking for measures they can employ to attain self-confidence. Queen Latifah has several laws that a person can employ to master self-confidence. The second law is “be yourself," where people should use their emotional self-awareness to create confidence. On the other hand, the third law is “push yourself," where you learn that people can change at different times. The fourth law is “learn from the past," where one can build confidence by reflecting on the lessons learned from past experiences. The fifth law is “be positive," People should boost their confidence by employing positive self-talk.
“Be yourself” usually helps the person to attain self-confidence. For example, this process will help the person be more authentic to the customers when they offer service. For instance, when asking the customers to upgrade their television and internet package, she will not feel ashamed even when they fail to employ the new change. The main reason is that she will embrace her uniqueness and fail to seek external validation since she will not be seeking external validation.
The "push yourself “Cheryl will have a growth mindset rather than the previously fixed mindset. For instance, when Cheryl feels uncomfortable with anything, she should seek measures to solve it. For example, she should look measures to solve the uncomfortable situation where she has been employing measures to recite the sales script. This...
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