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Growing Up and the Influence of Social Media

Essay Instructions:

Please select TWO of the following 12 essay questions. Provide a brief response to your chosen questions (one paragraph for each should be sufficient).

Chapter 5
Why is the definition of “growing up” more difficult than it used to be? What are the achievements that lead people to say that someone has become an adult? Why is adolescence longer than it was several generations ago?
What specific contributions to human development are made by family, school, peer group, and mass media? Do these agents of socialization always convey the same lessons to people? In your response, provide several specific examples.
Explain the nature-nurture debate. How did Sigmund Freud and George Herbert Mead take different positions in this debate?

Chapter 6
In a short essay, identify a number of your own statuses. What roles correspond to each? Do any operate as master statuses? How? Identify which statuses are mostly ascribed and which are mostly achieved. Use one or more examples to explain why many statuses are both ascribed and achieved.
Recall your own experience with a college or job interview. Now imagine that someone new to that situation asks you for advice about how to dress, speak, and act. Write an essay in which you explain how to influence other people in a positive way.
Language helps create social reality, beginning with the division of people into worlds of “maleness” and “femaleness.” Write an essay in which you explain how language involving gender creates different worlds for women and men. Think of specific ways in which everyday language places the two sexes in different and unequal social positions.

Chapter 7
Discuss (1) how group size affects the behavior of group members, and (2) how diversity in group membership affects the behavior of group members. Illustrate your responses with examples from everyday life.
Explain the effect of social media such as Facebook on the size and character of social networks. How do social media bring more and more people together? In what ways can social media discourage social interaction?
What are the dangers that are posed to us by the process called the “McDonaldization” of society? Develop some strategies, policies, or personal choices that might help discourage the spread of this process.

Chapter 8
Many people think of sexuality as a biological matter; however, sexuality is largely cultural. Explain the biological foundation of sex—how people become female and male—and then go on to explain why sexuality as a dimension of social life is mostly cultural. Consider the variation in attitudes and behavior towards the cultural character of sexuality over time and from society to society.
Identify four sexual orientations. What do we know about the extent of homosexuality? What is our understanding about the causes of sexual orientation?
Apply the three theoretical approaches to the topic of sexuality. What are important insights provided by the structural-functional, symbolic-interaction, and social-conflict approaches?

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Essay Questions
Chapter 5
The definition of “growing up” is becoming more challenging in the digital era. Unlike in the 1960s when Erik Erikson, a psychologist, and psychoanalyst, introduced a model that categorized the human lifespan into eight phases, things have been changing gradually (Gallo & Gallo, 2011). During that time, early adulthood started 18 years after the end of puberty. Today, extended stages of the human lifespan, such as adolescence, have transformed how individuals define “growing up.” The achievements that make people say that someone has become an adult have changed. For example, it is possible in the modern era to find a 30-year-old individual residing in his or her parents’ house, which was not the case in the past since such a person was considered a responsible adult who should provide for his or her own. Adolescence has become longer than it was several generations ago due to the role played by money and the Internet in the upcoming generations. In other words, the end of puberty has been pushed from 18 years to almost 26 years.
Chapter 7
Social media, such as Facebook, significantly influences the size and character o...
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