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The Labeling Theory and the Importance of Stigma

Essay Instructions:

Please select TWO of the following 9 essay questions. Provide a brief response to your chosen questions (one paragraph for each should be sufficient).

Chapter 9

Describe the labeling theory of deviance. What basic insight about deviance is offered by this approach? How does labeling figure into the difference between primary deviance and secondary deviance? What is the importance of stigma in labeling analysis?

Every society punishes offenders. Write an essay in which you explain four justifications for punishment. Point out how each justification has come to the forefront at different times in history and explain this pattern as best you can. What evidence is there that punishment actually accomplishes what we say it does?

Can you imagine a society without crime? What changes in our society would you imagine having to make in order to dramatically reduce the crime rate? Explain your position.

Chapter 10

Could a society exist without social stratification? Try to describe such a society. How would people be assigned to their jobs? How would pay and other rewards be set? What do you imagine might be the benefits of such a society? What about the dangers?

Explain the differences in the approach to social stratification of Karl Marx and Max Weber. How did each envision stratification? Why is Weber’s approach more complex? Which approach do you think better represents social inequality in the United States? Why?

Briefly describe the main characteristics of caste systems and class systems. How are these types linked to different systems of economic production (agrarian versus industrial technology)?

Chapter 11

Many people consider the United States to be a “middle-class society.” Based on the material in this chapter, explain why people think this way. Also, explain how correct you think this claim is.

Discuss poverty trends in the United States in recent decades with regard to (a) percentage of the population that is poor, (b) children, (c) the elderly, and (d) women.

Document the trend toward increasing economic inequality in the United States. Why is this trend controversial? How would you suggest that our society should respond to this trend?

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Chapter 9: First Question
A method in the sociology of deviance known as "labeling theory" focuses on how social control actors associate stigmatizing stereotypes with particular groups and how the stigmatized alter their conduct as a result. The fundamental insight is that deviation results from labels or external evaluations that alter an individual's perception of themselves and alter how others see them. On the other hand, labeling theory contributes in the following ways to the distinction between primary and secondary deviance. Primary deviance describes instances of deviant behavior in which a large number of people take part. A person's self-concept and sense of social identity are altered when someone makes anything out of their aberrant activity. This is kno...
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