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The Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Older Population

Essay Instructions:


We all have different experiences going through life. Those experiences shape how we view the world and how we behave in it. In this assignment you are going to look at your own experiences of the world and culture we live in by being reflexive. As you have learned over the past few weeks, reflexivity is “disciplined self-reflection” meant to build deeper understanding, not just of ourselves, but of the larger world. The goal of reflexivity is to understand others so that we can understand ourselves and grow. To be disciplined, the reflection needs to be purposeful and directed, meaning we need to look at something specific in the world and then compare it to our own personal experiences and decide if this new knowledge changes how we think and feel.

This assignment provides an opportunity for you to delve deeper into your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and gain a better understanding of your own personal lens. By being reflexive, you will better understand how social and cultural norms, assumptions, biases, environment, and background shape your worldview.


Find an article published within the last 18 months that discusses issues related to one of the following topics:

Economic inequity.

Racial inequity.

Global inequity.

Health care inequity.

Gender and sexuality.

Then in a 2–3 page paper, discuss the following:

Summarize the issue presented.

Describe your overall impression of the issue as presented in the article:

Do you agree or disagree with the author? Why?

What in your personal experience may have influenced your thinking about this issue? Consider social/cultural norms, religious beliefs, environment, and background.

Cite your source to support your writing. Choose a source that is credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite the source listed at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Explore the relationship between an individual’s worldview and their social/cultural norms, assumptions, biases, environment, and background.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Older Population
Health care inequity is considered a significant factor that affects the livelihoods of individuals based on specific characteristics. In most cases, communities from marginalized groups or specific racial backgrounds receive poor services in health facilities due to various inadequacies individually or systemically in a particular country. More so, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, such health inequities have been exacerbated based on the different impacts and effects across different parts of the globe.
Lee (2021) describes the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic on the older population, which has borne the worst of its effects. It is noted that a majority of the deaths experienced from the virus comprised of individuals older than 70 years. The study identifies amplifiers of health inequities among this older population to include future uncertainties, reduction in social ties, and public spending stains among others (Lee, 2021). Such vulnerabilities have led to systemic discrimination of older individuals due to the introduction of policies that expose them to more health risks.
As Lee outlines in her article, health inequities increased during the COVID-19 period across the globe (2021). Therefore, her discussions are well advised based on information available during the period. I completely agree with the findings which suggest that older populations were more vulnerable and experienced discrimination of some sort. For instance, social exclusion came into play when lockdowns were introduced leading to the isolation of the elderly, most of whom live in nursing homes. As a result, the increased mental toll on such individuals affected their mental well-being ultimately leading to negative health outcomes.
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