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Women are Among the Most Marginalized in the Workforce

Essay Instructions:


In this assignment, you will discuss how the imbalance of power creates or sustains systemic issues by examining one of the topics below. In so doing, you will examine the ethical, legal, and political implications of inequality and inequity at a societal level. This will increase your awareness of how social intelligence can help leaders make fairer decisions for society. You can also apply this learning to your personal decision-making process to make choices that benefit the people you interact with every day.


Select one of the topics listed in the Topics section below.

Read the articles provided for that topic.

Answer the following questions in a 3–5 page paper:

Summarize the issue and each author’s perspective about it.

What imbalance of power is present? How do you know (support with examples)?

How does this impact the individual(s) involved? (use specific examples.)

How might this issue impact the larger society? Consider:

Ethical implications.

Legal implications.

Political implications.

Substantiate your answers with evidence from the articles (cite accordingly).

Ensure your paper has an introduction and conclusion.


Topic 1: Inequality in the Workforce.

The US Economy Lost 140,000 Jobs in December. All of Them Were Held by Women.

5 Years of Leaning in.

Topic 2: Sanctions Against Released Inmates.

From Prisons to Communities: Confronting Re-entry Challenges and Social Inequality.

Locked up to locked out: Recently Released Prisoners Face Unprecedented Challenges Amid Coronavirus Crisis.

Topic 3: Public Restrooms

3 Myths That Shape the Transgender Bathroom Debate.

Federal Court Rules That Transgender Students Must be Allowed to Use Bathrooms That Match Their Gender.

Use two sources listed in the Requirements to support your writing. Cite the sources listed at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Examine the ethical, legal, and political implications of inequality and inequity on a larger scale.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

One of the fundamental characteristics of an ideal working environment is diversity and inclusion. This means that every employee feels completely involved, safe, and respected irrespective of age, gender, or race. The two principles can benefit any organization since ideas and perspectives come from different dimensions (Hogarty, 1). Equally, an organization gets a better understanding of customers and enhanced decision-making. However, this is not always the case since glaring inequalities take center stage in some organizations. Women are among the most marginalized in the workforce, and the imbalance has had drastic implications.
In the article, 5 Years of Leaning In, Suddath and fellow authors explore the glaring gender imbalances in the workforce (2). The authors assert that women continue playing second fiddle in the professional world despite their rate of obtaining degrees being higher than that of men (Suddath, 2). In addition, women get relatively lower salaries compared to their male counterparts. The authors also explore the concerted efforts by some women to push for balance and equality in workplaces. According to the authors, these efforts have not been in vain. This is evident in the sense that more and more companies have considered it a priority to hire and retain women. In actual fact, the numbers have risen dramatically.
Furthermore, the authors outline the factors contributing to this phenomenon. They contend that women are to blame to a considerable extent due to their attitude. This is because they feel inferior and less qualified, which makes them less aggressive. According to the authors, the other factor is that most women are saddled with house chores and child care. As such, they cannot compete at the same level as men. In addition, some women live in perpetual fear of being sacked for spending more time caring for their children (Suddath, 2). In essence, the fear supersedes the need to prosper professionally.
Finally, the authors feel that despite efforts to create gender balance, more needs to be done. This is because women employees are still disadvantaged. For instance, they have to contend with numerous obstacles such as arbitration. In addition, they are discriminated against when it comes to salaries and promotions. Over and above, the authors lend strength to the feeling that women should speak more and have more faith in themselves to change the situation.
Imbalances and their Impacts on Individuals Involved
One of the imbalances highlighted by the authors is the area of promotion. The authors contend that despite their impressive qualifications, women still lag behind when it comes to promotion. To strengthen their contention, they highlight the plight of Katie King, a 32-year-old attorney (Suddath, 2). Katie went out of her way to enhance the welfare of women in the company she worked for. In addition, she continued answering emails during her maternity leave. However, all her efforts were overlooked, and she was blatantly denied promotion. According to the authors, one of the contributing factors to the problem is the attitude of people in charge of promotion; most of them tend to have a low opinion about women. The inequality is a hard-hitting one since women employees feel devalued and exploited.
The other notable inequality in the workforce is the pay. The autho...
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