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Asian Culture Overview

Essay Instructions:

For the "free write’ assignment (4 pages long), you are expected to describe in an autobiographical mode, your interpersonal interaction with someone from a “culture” other than your own. “Culture” could also include someone from a different race, gender, class or sexuality. What did this encounter reveal about your own culture and/or the assumptions you may have had about the other culture? Did this encounter confirm or challenge your assumptions?

Please using Asian perspective. Thanks very much. I appreciated it a lot.

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Asian Culture Overview
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Asian Culture Overview
Every community has its culture that defines its way of life, how its people behave, believe, and interact with others, and other factors, including religion. We have diverse cultures worldwide from the different tribes and communities across the divide. I have interacted with many communities that practice different cultures and am still exploring more to learn how different communities live and how their culture is different from ours. I have heard this perception about the Asian culture of how they behave, believe, worship, and do their things. I happened to interact with a male elder person from the Asian community and got to learn more about their culture which I will describe. The culture is very diverse due to the large Asian population, but learning and understanding are good and sweet. They have different traditions, religions, languages, and cuisines.
First, they have different greetings from other tribes or communities. When you travel to Asia, you may find it weird that they usually do not shake hands when greeting each other. You may be used to handshakes and hugs as greetings in your country, but that is not the case in Asian culture. They have their way of greeting people as a sign of respect. They use the ‘wai’ style to greet each other, where you bring your hands together in a gesture that looks like you are praying and bow slightly or nod your head when saying hello or goodbye. It is a sign of respect that cuts across all age brackets. You must acknowledge people when you enter or leave the room in such a manner that expresses your respect for them. Most cultures in Asian communities bow as a sign of greeting or a symbol of respect. You bow your waist with your eyes down, which is dictated by the duration you spend bowing. In a formal setting, you bow for longer than in an informal setting. Some communities use bowing on different occasions, such as funerals and religious ceremonies. Some of those who shake hands as greetings in Asia should not shake firmly as that may seem like rudeness or aggression. One should keep the handshake light for the other party to take it as a greeting.
The Asians also practice taking off their shoes when entering homes or temples. When one enters a temple with shoes on, it signifies disrespect. In some temples, it is a sign of precaution since the floor may be slippery, and one might fall. Removing your shoes when entering a home in Asia is a sign of courtesy and keeping the home clean. Many homes provide in-house slippers to make you comfortable. Asian homes are also built with heated floors to keep your feet warm and avoid discomfort when you remove your shoes. Asians consider the head one of the most sacred body parts; hence, you should not touch anyone on their head. The feet are s...
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