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A skill of what I masteredEnglish 097. A skill of what I mastered. Skill Mastery

Essay Instructions:

my teacher just tell us use 3 quotation to do this essay,my class is English097 ,just follow this topic,write an essay,and if you can’t use 3 quotation,just use 1-2from the picture I send to you.Thank you.please write it as soon as you can.

For the past week, we’ve been discussing a skill that you’ve learned in order to get a better understanding of what your learning process looked like. Then, we looked at some of the major theories about learning as well as the differences between beginners and experts. My goal here is to get you thinking about what learning looks like. I want you to develop your own “theory” of learning that in turn you can take with you into future classes.

The assignment:

Take your brainstorm about a skill you’ve mastered. Polish it up into a short essay format, complete with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Include the following:

Describe the skill in some detail. What sorts of activities, knowledge, or concepts does this skill require? What do you have to master or be able to do to be good at this skill?

What were you like when you first started to learn this skill? What did you struggle with?

What are you like now? What aspects of this skill did you actively develop or improve in? How are you different from how you were as a beginner?

Describe your development. What stages of learning did you go through?

What issues or frustrations did you run into? How did you overcome them?

What motivated you to become good at this skill?

Then, look back at the articles we’ve read about metacognition, mindset, Bloom’s taxonomy, Paulo Freire, and expertise. Draw some concepts and quotes from at least three of these essays and work them into your essay.

Finally, draw some conclusions about the nature of learning:

What does effective learning look like?

What helps learning? What doesn’t help learning?

What concepts, mindsets, or ideas about learning do you think will be useful to you as a learner?

What ideas about learning will you use and take forward with you into your college career?

Essay #1 Rubric



Development: How well you've considered, constructed, thought through, and expressed your ideas. A well-developed paper has the following qualities:

· Your essay is audience-aware. You explain your skill in such detail that someone unfamiliar with the skill would be able to understand.

· You draw effective conclusions about the nature of learning from your experiences.

· Your essay uses plenty of vivid detail, including things like: evidence, support, concrete detail, examples, experience, etc.

Organization and coherence: How well the various parts of your essay are constructed, and how well you create a progression of ideas that stay on topic and relate to your overall project. A well-organized paper has the following qualities:

· Your essay has a clear introduction that uses effective strategies that invite the reader in and set up your essay. You establish your purpose for writing and the larger conversation as well as preview your essay.

· You effectively use the paragraph as a unit to organize your ideas into manageable pieces. Each paragraph is clearly organized around one central topic or idea.

· Your essay is coherent: It is always clear how your ideas are related to your essay’s overall purpose.

· Your overall organization and sequencing of ideas is effective. You use transitions and other strategies to help “glue” your ideas together.

Sources: How well you understand, draw from, and integrate the sources from class as well as any additional research you may have done. A paper that effectively uses outside sources has the following qualities:

· You draw meaningfully from at least three of the essays to support, elaborate, and deepen your project.

· You use quote marks to show borrowed information and paraphrase effectively.

· You smoothly integrate your quotes into your essay, contextualizing all quotes and then explaining them fully.

· You are able to connect and compare your experiences to the essays.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your Name
English 097
Professor’s Name
October 13, 2018
Skill Mastery
Perhaps one of the most significant thing that I have learned in the pursuit of my dreams is that ‘learning a skill is one thing while mastering it is another.’ The reason why I believe that there’s a huge difference between these two has become apparent in my journey of becoming a better writer. While it might be true that writing could be done by anyone who possesses an average level of skill in grammar and rhetoric, only the bests could craft a piece in such a way that provides an emotional impact to its readers with the least effort. From this, I believe that learning the skill of writing only requires the basic knowledge of grammar and delivery, whereas mastering it would require a deeper knowledge of rhetoric, reasoning, social-awareness, and ‘guts,’ among others.
When I started to learn how to write, I first focused on improving my grammar and punctuation by reading textbooks and watching online videos. Through time, I was able to reach a point where I could write with the least mistakes possible and craft simple pieces of articles such as poems and s...
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