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The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. Assignment

Essay Instructions:

I would like you to review your answer for question three from the Spirit Catches You Ch. 4 - 5 answer the following questions: You can type directly into the text box or post a word document.

4. In your answers, did you favor or shine positive light on one side more than the other (Hmong vs Non-Hmong)?

5. Do you think that your answers were shaped by your own personal experiences, histories, and foundational medical tradition?

6. How would adopting a position of SUSPEND JUDGMENT (as discussed in the Irrational Belief lecture) change your interpretation of the exchanges?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
Name of Student
Institutional Affiliation
In your answers, did you favor or shine a positive light on one side more than the other (Hmong vs Non-Hmong)?
While answering the questions, I tried as much as possible to pick no sides and hence remain unbiased. However, after reading the story and the problems the Hmong people have gone through over the years and the issues they still face right now, it is easier to sympathize with them and shine a more positive light on their side. Therefore, in my answers, I think I exhibited a slight favor towards the Hmong.
Do you think that your answers were shaped by your own personal experiences, histories, and foundational medical tradition? 
Yes, I think my answers were shaped by my own personal experiences, histories and foundational medical tradition. It is important to note that my experiences played a larger part in ...
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