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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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Write a 500 word essay (two pages, double-spaced, typed)

Essay Instructions:

Write a 500 word essay (two pages, double-spaced, typed)

wherein you connect something specific the author/presenter

You are welcome in this essay to agree or disagree with his argument, but you must

also do some research on the ideas/arguments he makes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

At the start of the presentation, the author argues that we should perhaps look at Aristotle’s as the model for tomorrow’s TransDisciplinary University. Toomey et al. (2015) argue that TransDisciplinary Universities should provide people with a safe-space where they can take risks and take risks. The authors further argue that the universities never need to do away with disciplines but they need to create environments where people can have a variety of approaches to problem-solving and where different disciplines can intermingle in a respectful and healthy manner.
Looking at the at Aristotle’s Lyceum, I agree with the argument of speaker that it can be the model of tomorrow’s TransDisciplinary University. As the speaker notes, the Lyceum was open for all and attempted to bring people together. Besides, it gave students the opportunity to be involved in the school administration and it allowed different disciplines to work together and share ideas in exploring reality. At the Lyceum, there was an attempt to offer students the chance to explore several disciplines and not constrain them to just one major. And it is this willingness to explore various disciplines that made the Lyceum the center for early scientific discoveries. What many learning institutions do today is to encourage students to follow a single career path with the goal of creating the ultimate professionals who would be a success in specific fields. In this regard, several universities today have not been able to nurture multidisciplinary individuals or teams that can work across disciplines (Toomey et al., 2015).
While the Lyc...
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