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Important Role of Lyceum as a Model for TransDisciplinary Learning

Essay Instructions:

Write a 500 word essay (two pages, double-spaced, typed) wherein you connect something specific the author/presenter

You are welcome in this essay to agree or disagree with his argument, but you must also do some research on the ideas/arguments he makes.

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Lyceum as a Model for TransDisciplinary Learning
Lyceum as a Model for TransDisciplinary Learning
The speaker argues that we can use Lyceum as a transdisciplinary learning model to “understand deeply how we create and actively consume all variety of planetary cultural phenomena especially comics, film, videogames and literature by and about Latinx of the Americas.” Historically, Lyceum holds an important place in early scientific discoveries. When Aristotle opened his school, he encourage encouraged a model of thinking deductively and inductively and reasoning based on multiple points of view. At the Lyceum, there was organized scientific inquiry that made it the first important center to bring forth the modern scientific methods. At the Lyceum, a wide range of subjects were covered and there people were not limited to a particular area of specialization.
Following the end of the American Civil War, Lyceums were used more for entertainment and as places for developing political ideas for exposing the public to literature and culture. I agree with the author that Lyceum can be used as transdisciplinary learning mode. Transdisciplinary model allows learning through a shared conceptual framework (Park & Son, 2010) and that is something that is strongly practiced at Lyceum. Lyceum would ensure that people not only acquire skills in their specific subject areas while also giving them the ability to explore those subjects that are outside the boundaries of their subjects. In this regard, it would enable them to practice transdisciplinary learning.
People need to understand who they are, where they are in place and time, express themselves, understand how the world works, and organize themselves. The pract...
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