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Children story: Cinderella

Essay Instructions:
FOR THE FIRST ASSIGHMENT I NEED A STRONG THESIS AND DEVELLOP THE TOPIC FROM THE THESIS. 1 PAGE 1 The role of the father in the Cinderella story is often underplayed and under examined. For this discussion, attempt to formulate a thesis statement that expresses an opinion on the role the father plays in the Cinderella variant of the fairy tale. Next, embed that thesis statement into a mock introductory paragraph using a creative audience grabber. Write as if you were drafting a full length essay defending your thesis. this is an example : Thesis: Her success has little to do with her father, but rather Cinderella's father is a man who is largely absent from his family, leaves Cinderella largely defenseless, dotes on his new family, forgetting his grieving daughter. Every little girl's dream consists of her heroic father. He is the picture of strength, invincibility, her own personal superman. For the immortalized Cinderella, this dream was never a reality. Destroyed by her evil stepmother and abused by her stepsisters, Cinderella should have been rescued by her father, a white knight if you will. But, he remained preoccupied with making his new family happy to care about his daughter. As a result, Cinderella suffered much tribulation. In the end, vindicated by her prince, Cinderella becomes the heroine despite the setbacks experienced. Her success has little to do with her father, but rather Cinderella's father is a man who is largely absent from his family, leaves Cinderella largely defenseless, dotes on his new family, forgetting his grieving daughter. 2 In her essay, Maria Tatar acknowledges that fairy tales are just as much about "conflict and violence as about enchantment and happily-ever afters" (Tatar, 233). These two distinct themes are often described as being gender specific: violence - male and happy-ever afters - female. In your personal experience, do you find this generalization to be true? Are certain stories for chicks only?---------------1 page
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Fate conspires to bring mystery into Cinderella’s life following the death of her mother. However, unlike other fairy tales the story has an absent father, but his impact is felt even when little is said about him. Evil persists in the story through the step mother after, Cinderella’s father remarriage. On the other hand, Cinderella is good natured and endures cruelty through her step mother and step sisters. Throughout Cinderella’s troubles the father is either absent or passive, but before her mother’s death Cinderella lived a good life. Thus, it is apparent that the father is also good -natured, but his inability to act facilitates continuation of evil.
In spite receiving little coverage in the story, it is clear that the father had best interest for Cinderella. Remarriage meant to provide a motherly figure for Cinderella rather than offer a replacement of the mother. Thus, from the beginning the father provided all comforts to his best ability. It is clear that the step mother and sisters are the villains of the story, and Cinderella’s life changes foe the worst when the father is not around, one can reliably suppose that if the father were alive then Cinderella would have lived a more comfortable life.
In essence, evil persists out of inaction of good people and not because there are many evil people. Despite the best intentions of the father it is through the actions of the other family members that Cinderella experiences suffering. However, one is left wondering whether the father could have more to change the situation through his choices in a wife and passive nature. To fill the gap in lack of an assertive male figure, Cinderella ...
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