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Social Network

Essay Instructions:
http://esciencenews(dot)com/articles/2013/01/14/social.networks.may.inflate.self.esteem.reduce.self.control Thats the link for the article. These are the questions that need to be answered. Referencing the e! science news article provide in class construct a paper addressing the particular items listed below. This paper should be no more then 500 words. 1- Why do you think the results suggested that greater social network use was associated with higher body mass index, binge eating , lower credit score and higher levels of debt? 2-Why do you think the researchers warned policy makers to better understand the psychological and social consequences? 3-Include what you thought about the article If u have any questions please contact me. For the paper style I choose other that shouldnt be a big deal. and if the link doesnt work please contact me. Also on the paper name it after melissa ruiz . Thank you
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social Network
The research suggested that greater social network use was associated with a number retrograding effect of users and appropriately, the article ‘Social network may inflate self-esteem, reduce self control` has articulated just that. Overmuch social network use is a triggers-off higher body mass index BMI largely because according the article it reduces one`s self control. Research three and four further bolsters that when cookies and granola bars were used as part of the research criteria. Part of those who were sampled were instructed to check Facebook while the others read news articles on CNN.com. Interestingly those who had browsed Facebook were more likely to choose the chocolate-chip cookies.
The argument that greater use of social network increases ones BMI is therefore credible. Binge eating is another condition that comes with inordinate social networking because it accelerates ones appetite for junk food while at the same time reducing ones will power to resist, or control it. Research five reinforces the perception that uninhibited social networking reduces ones credit score and causes higher debt level. The prevailing commonality of these relapsing human conditions is that greater use of social networks makes one unable to restrain themselves so they are not likely to rein in on their spending.
Policy makers should be wary of the psychological and social consequences because they have a bearing on social order and well being. Low self esteem which is aggravated by a lot of social networking is a psychosocial hazard to any organization and it is incumbent upon policy makers to be keen as to identify the hazard put measures in place to address it since it has a bearing on the output of the individual as well as their well being.
My take on the article is that it is very relevant at ...
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