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Dealing with stress

Essay Instructions:
Explore a stressful event, situation or activity that you have experienced in your past that you had repetitive stress from. It needs to be a situation, etc. that required you to have to accommodate in some form or another to be able to “get through it.” I want the paper to be about how you managed that stress, what you did to overcome it. Did you use familial support, a support group, exercise or other activities that you previously did not partake in? How did you change your focus or priorities to be able to do this?
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Dealing with stress
Human beings would wish to be happy for the whole of their life. However, in life we encounter situations and circumstances that lead to the contrary. We encounter issues that we possibly could not be able to prevent or else avoid. Human beings are interdependent and on one single person who can survive alone. We all need each other in our daily living. These relationships sometimes drive us to situations, which we probably could have not got into were it not for the interdependence.
Stressful situations are very hard to deal with, especially repetitive stress. I am the only child in my family and I always feel that I experience the utmost love from my parents. However, in the past, I have experienced many situations, which have led me into stressful moments.
Joining the university was a dream comes true for me. However, just after I was admitted into the university, my mother was diagnosed of cancer. This bad news shocked me that it took me some days to accept the situation. It was never the same before. There was no way I could connect the reality that my mother was suffering from cancer. For me, her condition now meant that she would die any time soon.
Because of her condition, my mother was forced to stay at home. My father is always very busy and considering I was in the university, she was left with no one to take care of her. The thought of my mother traumatized me so much that nothing in this world made sense to me. Everything appeared so stale yet I felt so helpless. I felt like it was my time to pay back the love she always showed.
Managing this situation was not easy for me. I could no longer concentrate in class and everything seemed meaningless. The situation was so stressful that I was almost losing my social networks, as I could not cope up with the ever-jovial moods of my colleagues. I approached my friends and shed the light to them. I told them the whole story and they now began to understand why I had started acting so different. M friends were supportive that they always encouraged me. They could always visit me in my room and always try to make me understand that that was neither the end of my mother nor the end of me.
As time went on, my friends introduced me to a counselor who I started visiting frequently. This became my turning point. The counseling sessions were so real that my life started getting back to normal. What was even more amazing was that, I started accepting the situation, my mother started getting better. She had unde...
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