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Essay Response: The Colonization of the Californian Indians

Essay Instructions:

Based on what you heard from the podcast (https://www(dot)kalw(dot)org/post/media-roundtable-coverage-native-history-truth-about-california-missions) about the Spanish colonial operation in the mission compounds, why do you think that the friars and other members of the religious hierarchy were successful in colonial religious control. Why do you think the mission system under the harsh conditions as described in the podcast lasted for so long? Listening to the way that natives were treated, what factors help explain why cultural hegemony was so destructive to the native population

*Responses should be a minimum of 400 words.

*Please be sure to cite your textbook and podcast(Chasteen 69) (Cross of Thorns)

*Please include a minimum of 4 key terms from chapter 2 & 3 from your textbook

Key terms list:

Chapter 2:

Encounter, p.17

Cabeza de Vaca, p.18

Pampas, p.18

sedentary, semisedentary, nonsedentary, p.18–19

Tupi, Tupinambá, p.19 Inca Empire, p.20 Aztec Empire , p.20 Tenochtitlan, p.20

Mayas, p.22

Iberia, Iberians, p.23 Reconquest of Iberia, p.25 Isabel of Castile, p.26 Hernán Cortés, p.39 Moctezuma, p.39

Francisco Pizarro, p.40 encomienda, p.43

Bartolomé de las Casas, p.50

Chapter 3:

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, p.54 silver mining, p.56

Potosí, p.56

royal fifth, p.58

viceroy, viceroyalty, p.58 sugar plantations, p.58 hegemony, p.63

patriarchy, p.65

transculturation, p.68

bandeirantes, p.78

Bourbon and Pombaline reforms, p.82

caste system, p.86

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Essay Response
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October 10, 2020
Understanding the relationship between historical events and the social circumstances relating to it is essential for any student. It allows him to gain a deeper appreciation of the underlying causes and the motivations behind every action and event that has happened in the past. In this article, the author would like to focus on the colonization of Californian Indians by the friars. Notably, he would like to discuss why the friars and other religious organizations could successfully control the religious aspects of their colonies. In order to do so, the article would focus on the podcast provided by Elias Castillo entitled Coverage Of Native History & The Truth About California Missions. All in all, the author believes that the friars were able to successfully maintain control because of the force used and normalization of the religious practice through time.
The Colonization of the Californian Indians
In Castillo's podcast, he noted how the Franciscan friars successfully gained control over the Californian Indians. Significantly, he said that one of the main reasons for this was the enslavement and the brute force used by the colonizers to make them submit to their control.
At first, it must be noted that a shift in one's ideology characterized the initial 'encounter' between the Indians and colonizers. Because when the friars went to the 'New World,' they had the primary intention of 'civilizing' the Indians. Thus, they believed that Indians were no m...
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