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History Essay: Strategies for Progress During the Reconstruction Era

Essay Instructions:

Contribute a Discussion Thread and at least two replies to classmates in the Homework Discussion Forum for Class Seven. You may wish to answer one of the following questions in your Discussion Thread, or make up your own topic (200-300 words):

What did you learn about the Civil War and Reconstruction Era that you did not know before?

How did artists and photographers respond to an era of violence and turbulence that also held the possibility of liberation? Are there lessons from this time for our own? no reference

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Strategies for Progress During the Reconstruction Era
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Strategies for Progress During the Reconstruction Era
The Reconstruction Era was a transition period in American when former slaves sought to discover their position in society as free men. Unfortunately, racism during the period negatively affected the ability of African Americans to prosper. During my readings, I learned that there were different approaches that various African American leaders proposed as a solution to racism to allow the former slaves to thrive.
For instance, Booker T. Washington advocated for African Americans to earn the respect of white people instead of agitating for political and social change. In this regard, Washington argued that working hard and education, mainly vocational training are the main individual aspects that Black people should cultivate in order to earn the r...
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