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Moment Discussion 2 History Essay Research Coursework

Essay Instructions:

Read the Petition of Committee on Behalf of the Freedmen to Andrew Johnson (1865), which you can find in chapter 15 of Give Me Liberty! Then read the Sharecropping Contract on the next page. How do the authors of these documents differently understand their rights? Whose rights do you sympathize with the most?

Feel free to answer any one of these questions.

Textbook: https://bookshelf(dot)vitalsource(dot)com/#/books/9780393418545/epubcfi/6/2%5Bnpp-bb6c28b4895c09f7c16d%5D!/4%5Bdoc-0.1%5D/2/2/2/2/2%5Bvst-image-button-111203%5D/2%400:0

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Moment Discussion 2
The petition and the Sharecropping contract are significantly different and they portray a gap between the authors in regards to understanding their rights. Compared to the authors of the sharecropping contract, the authors of the petition to President Andrew Johnson seem to not only understand their rights but are also demanding them.
I couldn’t help but sympathize with the rights of the authors of the sharecroppers. The discriminatory contract they signed put them at the mercy of their employer, Thomas J. Ross, who took advantage of their illiteracy to formulate unbearable rules and regulations (Foner, 2020). The contract does limit the freedom of the sharecroppers and with the regulations, there is no guarantee that they will receive anything at the end of the crop season. With lost time and expenses including medicine, medical bills, an...
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