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Conflict of the Second World War History Essay Paper

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Discuss the Second World War, and how the conflict was darker and deadlier than previous wars. Explain the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. Why was it done? What actions in the latter stage of the Pacific War convinced planners the atomic bomb was a better option? Was it decisive? How does it compare to actions taken against Nazi Germany? Be as specific as possible with your answer.

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Conflict of The Second World War
Conflict of The Second World War
The second world war was one of the deadliest wars in the history of mankind. It killed more people than any other war and also led to a lot of damage. The paper will analyze why the second world war was deadlier compared to other wars and the reasons behind the japan atomic bomb. It will also outline how the action was different from that taken against the Nazis.
The second world war occurred between 1939 to 1945, and it spread in almost every part of the world. The war killed approximately seventeen million soldiers. Many civilians, children, and women died from illnesses, bomb attacks, and starvation. Such is an indication of how devastating the war was. The main reason why the war caused more damage than other wars is due to the group of nations called the Axis. The Axis consisted of Japan, Italy, and German. The leaders of such countries were dictators and planned to make their countries the most powerful in the world. Before the beginning of the second world war, the three countries had trained huge armed and modernized weapons. It is such a huge armies and modern weapons that contributed to the huge damage of world war two. In world war one, such weapons were rare hence accounting for the little damage.[Obinger, Herbert, and Carina Schmitt. "The impact of the Second World War on postwar social spending." European Journal of Political Research 57, no. 2 (2018): 496-517.  ]
As well, the uprising of the Nazis contributed to the severity of the second world war. Adolf Hitler, the Nazi party leader, had sworn to take revenge on the countries that defeated Germany during the first world war. Such meant that the Germans had to build a strong army and look for weapons to ensure that they won the war. Given that other nations were also defending themselves during the war, the outcome was devastating. Adolf also believed that German deserved to be the only race and, therefore, intended to get rid of all the communists, Jews, and other weak communities.
The years before the second world war marked great changes in Europe and other parts of the world. The Axis nations had taken over many foreign territories such as Austria, Southeast Asia, and Ethiopia. The force used in overtaking such nations marked the beginning of the second world war. Great Britain, the united states of America, China, the Soviet Union, and France led the Allies nation in opposing the Axis. German did not intend to avoid the war, and this made it deadlier than other wars.
The main reason why the United States of America dropped the atomic bomb on Japan was to bring a fast conclusion to the second world war. In the last five years following the atomic bomb attack, the war had caused a lot of damage to property and death. Cities in different parts of the world had been destroyed. Hence, there was a need to stop further damage to the war. The Soviet Union had decided to enter a war with Japan following the end of the European war. The day of such war was approaching, and the US leaders deemed it fit to drop the bombs to prevent the war from occurring. However, The US main aim of dropping the bomb could have been to gain a diplomatic advantage over Asia rather than end the war.
As well, the US dropped the bomb as a way of establishing its dominance of Japan after the second world war. The US aimed to establish a political, economic, and military presence in Japan to control the pacific region. They feared that the Japanese would prevent them from dominating and controlling the pacific region. Therefore, they had to make them surrender by dropping the ...
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