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4 pages/≈1100 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Visual and Performing Arts University Affiliation

Essay Instructions:

no title page

one question one page, total four questions

Only use examples that in the readings and ppt

Do not use the same example twice

When giving an example, identify it as w

ell as you can (author, context, medium)

answer in the form of an essay. If include an introduction and conclusion, keep them very short.

Question 1:

How does material (clay, fibre, brick, wood, textile...etc) play a central role in craft practices? Specifically in what way does the unique nature of material shape the practice of certain craftspeople? List two examples and explain the unique role of the medium in each one. Alternately, how do other artists use materials in ways that challenge our expectations of the medium? List two examples of work/artists. This answer calls for four examples in total.

Question 2:

Why is labour an important issue when we talk about craft? You might consider this from several perspectives that consider both global and historical contexts. Give three examples that support your answer.

Question 3:

How has craft allowed for collective practices that have given way to unique maker- communities, whether determined by family, gender, activism or other examples? There are many ways to approach this answer. You might consider the types of communities that grow from traditionally gendered practices and/or from skill transfer among families, etc.

Question 4:

The above three questions ask you to reflect on the importance of material/medium, labour, and practices of community at the heart of craft. What other themes emerged in this course? List at least three themes that are not included in the above questions and explain why they are important when studying the history of craft. You may draw from the readings and course lectures.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Visual and Performing Arts
Student’s name
University Affiliation
Today, artists engage the world at a different perspective from that of historic predecessors such as the Greek and the Egyptians who created tomb painting and scriptures respectively. Today’s art expresses more of political and social changes that have surfaced in the past decades and have led to the questioning of social values. Technological has been amongst the core factors that have facilitated this transition both locally and globally. The rise of foreign influence has displaced original and quality art creativity hence affecting their intended perception to the viewer. The history craftsmanship was born after years of civilization have managed to evolve diversely and immensely. Today the most common and desired qualities craftsmen seek are materials that have aesthetic properties. However, its production has led to further pollution especially after the foundation of industrial economy through numerous productions and increase of operation and utility of material have also played a role in pollution.
1. How does material play a central role in craft practices? Specifically in what way does the unique nature of material shape the practice of certain craftspeople? List two examples and explain the unique role of the medium in each one. Alternately, how do other artists use materials in ways that challenge our expectations of the medium? List two examples of work/artists. This answer calls for four examples in total.
From the Bronze Age craft has changed and has been adopted in many fields of social life, politics and religion. These transformations have been as a result of global diversity of culture and religion that has enabled the craft appreciation. Enormous chronologies have been developed to distinguish religion and cultural groups, a strong emphasis of understanding meaning. However, relative work on remains under developed in some parts of the globe. Traditional nationalism has insisted on different naming of artifacts which are unparalleled to what is in some cases, for example pottery which in Europe is used as grave beds (Jenkins 1995). It has led to regional problem of terminology; urn which suggests a vessel found in a burial context which is used to for cremated bones in contrast to that such vessels are used in other settlements as vases or water storage guards.
According to research the craft industry is an industry with the demands great patience. Labor in this field is very essential and the backbone of production and quality. Globally, labor is a rare commodity as it comes with is unwavering cost. In most start up most craftsmen seek to hire labor they can afford and still maintain quality of products and in other cases volunteers who seek to learn and these technical skills to improve their lives (Academy of Science of South Africa, 2018). This retrospective relationship enables the business to start up with ease from the competitive markets. Internationally, work is a test that is being looked by numerous corporate associations and the inquiry of shabby reasonable work is cares prompting the climbing of costs and in most pessimistic scenarios the conclusion of organizations.
2. Why is labor an important issue when we talk about craft? You might consider this from several perspectives that consider both global and historical contexts. Give three examples that support your answer.
The art business faces a similar pearl difficulties primarily as a result of its excess expense of creation and change in future development. The development of utilization implies expanded copping with the nature for assets and supply difficulties. Man is henceforth being ultimately being constrained by characteristic occasions to extend his resource base along these lines making requirement for work is intrinsically making man expand asset basses and thus filling the business gap. Mankind is being constrained, in this way, to amplify its asset base by discovering approaches to utilize existing crude materials all the more proficiently, to change over beforehand futile substances to useful materials, to recycle materials to deliver entirely new materials out of substances accessible in plenitude (Kirkcaldy,2018) . Frequently the improvement of another material such as glass lies along learning uncovered magnifying instrument; conveyors, protectors, and semiconductors were expected to develop new correspondence frameworks influence the idea, play, and work of everybody. Steel allowed improvement of vehicles. Discovery of another material has played a fundamental role in social development and employments which can't be completely envisioned. There have been several different cases materials has been underestimated, simila...
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