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Live Music Performance Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Evaluation of a live musical performance any performance from the US in the last 60 days. Does not have to be any format. provided 2 examples.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Live Music Performance
Since my childhood, I have a keen interest in music, especially live performances. I always spare time attend a concert or two every month as this soothes my nerves and helps me learn and explore new things. On November 1, 2018, I got a chance to attend the Opera Workshop at 7:30 p.m., in the Workshop Theater of the Clyde H. Wells Fine Arts Center. The show was held by Tarleton State University’s Department of Fine Arts. This workshop basically nurtures gifted young musicians by providing them with a chance to perform before a large number of people. In this particular music show, I could see a number of singers and instrumentalists sharing their unparalleled experiences and trying to amaze the audience in one way or the other.
It was good to see that there was no admission fee, and I took advantage of this opportunity and brought some of my friends and cousins to the venue. Inside the hall, I could see that the program had focused on the development of core music skills of the performers. Several pianists opened the show and wowed the audience in no time. Written by Bart Howard, Fly Me to the Moon is one of my favorite songs, which was sung by Frank Sinatra. The instrumental version of this song was presented by a local student. He altered the melody a little in the beginning and end of the song. A combination of saxophone and piano was experienced at this level, and this made me dance and sing loudly along with the performer. As the passion heated up, the performer changed the texture of the song a little bit. For example, the rhythm was steady in the start, but it got faster and louder as the song reached its climax. This was the point when the dynamics of the song got louder, and then came back to the moderate level right before the end of the song.
Another performance that drew my attention the most was by Don Sebesky. He came forward with Bill Evans’ Waltz for Debby and tried to keep the tone to a minimum. The texture of his piece was consistent, and the 1, 2, 3 patterns were noticeable throughout the piece...
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