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Analysis paper of Music. Visual & Performing Arts Essay

Essay Instructions:

In order to develop your skills as an active listener, Understanding Music begins with an introduction to five basic elements of musical style: sound, harmony, melody, rhythm, and growth (SHMRG). To demonstrate your understanding of the characteristics that are associated with each element, the assignment for this unit is an analysis paper, described below, in which you analyze the style of the music that you selected in Week 1 for inclusion on the Voyager golden record. The listening skills that you develop here will be essential to your success in the remainder of the course.

Sound (for example, Mantas Savickis, “Synergy”)

Harmony (for example, Pentatonix, “Run to You”)

Melody (for example, J. S. Bach, Prelude from Cello Suite No. 1)

Rhythm (for example, The Percussion Show, “Body Percussion”)

Growth (for example, UMO Jazz Orchestra, flash mob)

As a way to demonstrate your mastery of the repertoire of listening skills that we have discussed in class, conduct a thorough stylistic analysis of the recording that you selected for the Golden Record in the previous assignment. The first part of your analysis should address each of the five elements (SHMRG) in sequence, providing observations about the musical characteristics that you associate with each element. Describe what you hear with as much detail as possible.

The second part of the analysis should consider which of those observations are the most interesting. In other words, which stylistic feature(s) help to make this music special? This is an opportunity to support your ideas from the previous assignment with some of the musical evidence gathered above. Required paper length is 1000–1500 words, excluding the list of references. 20 points.

You must analyze a publicly accessible recording (from YouTube or a simliar website) so that the reader can listen, too. At the end of the paper, a list of references should provide complete citation information for this recording:

Name. “Title.” Year. YouTube. https://youtube(dot)com/…

Consider whether it is more appropriate to provide the name of the composer, of the performer, or of the YouTube user. The year should follow suit, to reflect when the music was composed, performed, or uploaded. There is no need to consult additional sources when writing this paper. If you do incorporate outside information, then you must add the source to the list of references and cite it clearly within the paper.

Greetings In 55 Languages YouTube URL: http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=bVgZIhotpSs

Sounds of Earth YouTube URL: http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=tkxP-9BEc8E

golden record: http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=olLi5RtE_6M (The first of the 27 musical recordings included on the Voyager golden record.)

the music I Select: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=qjHEkrd8tr0 (you can choose what ever you want,I just chose it randomly)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis Paper of Music
Analysis Paper of Music
The Brandenburg Concerto number 2 in F by Johann Sebastian Bach explores some solo instruments in their diverse nature. The music is a true definition of how these diverse solo instruments can work in great harmony in such a way that there is an overall agreement between them. The concerto engages the use of various elements including sound, harmony, growth, rhythm, and melody that all work together to make this the great and entertaining piece it is. Without a doubt, most of these stylistic features also contribute to communicating the emotion in the music in a way that makes it special. The present paper analyses each of the mentioned elements about their general effect on the quality of music and the way this helps to make this music special.
In terms of sound, the musical instruments that can be heard from the concerto include the trumpet, violin, the oboe, and recorder. At the beginning of the music, it is quite easy to notice the tutti section in which the performance includes and engages all the instruments in playing together. Shortly after the first part, the sound of the music then takes the form of a fugue. By this, it means that a solo instrument introduces a melody and then the other instruments join in from there. For instance, the sound of the violin gives melody for most of the first part before the trumpet, the oboe and the recorder join in either in turns or together to give one melodious harmony. Generally, throughout the music, each solo musical instrument is given a chance to play in a manner that makes it possible to listen to and experience the unique sound of every instrumental piece. The use of sound brings in the second element of harmony. Bach achieves in creating harmony by allowing some notes to interact by playing them together instead of just letting them play each at its own time. In Bach’s concerto, the melody of the song is accompanied by a combination of different chords and notes. The system of chords that is extensively developed and made to sound together enables one to hear and feel the harmony created in the music. Due to this element of harmony, the whole piece of art can flow in an orderly way.
Melody and rhythm are other elements in Brach’s music. The presented piece has an alternating rhythm whereby there is a regular order through which the elements are made to reappear following a particular pattern. Rhythm and melody are somewhat interconnected, and in the music, the upper three elements show this by sharing the same melodic line. For instance, at the start and part of the middle, the instruments are played in a slow movement before this changes slightly towards the end when the trumpet takes the lead. Another example is the case whereby all the solo instruments are exposed to the same melodic material and figuration as a way of creating melody and therefore rhythm. For example, for the first violin passages, Bach plays the recorder and the oboe. Ideally, all other instruments go through this process successively in a...
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