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Visual & Performing Arts
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The Relationship Between Music And Architecture

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2 page paper on The relationship between music and architecture, doesn't actually have to be formatted APA or MLA,

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Relationship Between Music and Architecture
The link between music and architecture has been a subject of discussion for many years. Since the 6th century BC, music and architecture have been closely connected by an extraterrestrial connection. This connection comes from the idea that music and architecture are both produced by a fundamental connection. This principle, brought to light by mathematics and geometry, was first discussed by Pythagoras, who resided in the Southern part of Italy. This exposition by Pythagoras saw a large section of Greek temples being designed on proportional principles something that brought to light their supreme beauty as well as the music of the heavenly places. The idea used to build the Greek temples was so appealing that later architects decided to explore it using new materials. This connection between art and architecture is recognized even in the modern day.
In the past, Renaissance architects such as Rudolf Wittkower used simple ratios such as 1:1 to demonstrate a recurring sound or 2:1 to characterize a string doubled in half. These ratios were used as inspiration in building and all the buildings during this period used the same principle. Pythagoras’s inspiration is purported to have come from a blacksmith’s hammer which he believed made a rhythmic sound. These rhythms were likened to the harmonious rhythms of a well designed building and through this thinking the code of musical architecture was invented.
As time progressed, architectures also kept on changing their thinking on architectural designs. The Notre D...
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