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Just and Unjust Speech

Essay Instructions:
Topic: What does Aristophanes mean when he uses the phrase \\\" just as unjust speech?\\\" what kind of things does Aristophanes think that Socrates is capable of teaching people? Why would anyone want to learn unjust speech? What kind of benefit would it provide? Why does Aristophanes think that is a bad thing to be teaching? Why would Plato in \\\"The Republic\\\" think about this? Does Plato think that Socrates would teach people unjust speech? Or does Plato provide an argument for individuals to be just, even if they would appear to be unjust? Ultimately based on you reading of Aristophanes or Plato, do you think our educators should teach unjust speech? why or why not? (Note: pick ONE of the thinkers to defend your final point, whichever has the strongest argument) Requirements: 6 pages, typed double space, one inch margins, 12 point font Times New Roman, MLA format, make sure you demonstrate understanding of the text SOURCES: Plato & Aristophanes: Four Texts on Socrates: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Clouds translated by Thomas G West. Plato: Republic translated by GMA Grube, revised by CDC Reeve USE LINES... not page numbers for referencing 2. Introduction A. The introduction should answer the following questions: i. What question(s) do you address in your paper? i.e. What is your question? ii. Why are these questions of concern to us? Why do we care? i.e. Why does this question arise? iii. What answer(s) do you offer to these questions? Summarize this succinctly. i.e. What is your answer? iv. How will you answer these questions? Summarize your method/approach. v. Finally, provide a roadmap for your paper in a sentence or two. What is your agenda in the paper? 3. Body Paragraphs A. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence, and this topic sentence should directly and clearly relate back to proving your thesis. This topic sentence should be a strong claim that you will give evidence for within the paragraph. B. Paragraphs are meant to express one idea only. Make sure you begin with your topic sentence, express that idea completely, and move on. C. Evidence is required for proving your thesis and supporting your claims. Quote the text as evidence for your claims. D. Explain (interpret) every quote you use. You must explain what it means and how it is relevant to proving your thesis. Putting a quote on the page is not enough in supporting your thesis with evidence that you believe the quote contains. E. Each paragraph should refer back to your thesis. 4. The Conclusion A. Your conclusion should restate the thesis and how you proved your argument in the body of the paper. B. The conclusion should not be a grand statement about philosophy or ‘real life,' or one's own personal beliefs. C. The conclusion of your paper should have no new information. D. This guide could be summarized as follows in regards to the structure of your paper: \\\"Tell them what you're going to tell them; then tell them; then tell them what you told them.\\\" 5. Citation A. Citations and giving sources proper credit are extremely important. There are several available forms (i.e. Chicago, APA, MLA, etc.). Each citation style designates the author and/or editor, the book and or essay, the time and place of publication, and the page to which the reader should refer. There are many citation manuals in the Library and also available online. B. Whatever citation style you choose to use for your paper, make sure to be consistent in correctly using that citation style. DO NOT use more than one citation style in one paper. C. Direct quotes require quotation marks. Ideas that come from others must be credited to them, as precisely as possible. Quotations that are more than four lines long should be separated from the body of the text, that is, indented and single-spaced.
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Just and unjust speech
Just and unjust speeches are two aspects derived from Aristophanes’ play ‘The clouds’ and Plato’s in ‘The Republic’. According to the Aristophanes the speech not only offers some philosophical wits to the educators and the audience, but it offers a resourceful knowledge to the people. Aristophanes however fails to recognize Socrates as the teacher of injustice. Socrates also fails to take a firm stand in the debate of just and unjust speech. The debate between just and unjust converts Pheidippides into a man who hates horsemanship. Aristophanes brings out the picture that there’s nothing funny about the Socrates. This is because Pheidippedes’ home return causes joy to his father but at the same time it’s the source of greatest despair. Aristophanes thinks it is a bad thing to be teaching because it transforms the followers into unacceptable people in the society. This is mainly so the speech provides some education which goes against the people’s beliefs and traditions. Socrates taught that rain came from the clouds, unlike the people’s belief on Zeus.
In this essay we are going to address the meaning of just and unjust as they are presented by Aristophanes in comparison to Plato then farther give a description of the work of the thinker with the best argument about the Socrates. The questions addressed in the paper include what Aristophanes means when he uses the phrase “just and unjust speech”, what he thinks the Socrates is capable of teaching people, the kind of benefits the unjust speech would provide and why one would want to learn about it. The paper also is keen to compare this with what Plato thinks. It gives the best argument from Aristophanes’ point of view on the speech as opposed to what Plato is trying to convey. The essay farther gives appropriate answers to these questions and why the questions are of concern to us. The aim of the paper is to bring out vividly the two aspects of just and unjust and their relevance to the social world.
Being an activist and a philosopher, Socrates, always focused on sensitizing the public about the eminent injustices that continued to be seen around the globe. The major importance of the unjust speech is to assist the general public know their rights. According to him, the general mass which includes the poor and struggling communities, continues to be oppressed and their rights continues to be stepped on by the rich people. That is why he mainly targeted the young people as his main audience, since according to him, only they could overturn the prevailing condition. The teaching was therefore very crucial for the young generation who aim at liberating their communities from the oppressing and undermining condition which they have for a very long time persevered.
The speech is however negatively perceived as it poses some threats to the scholars who basically try to emulate and apply such knowledge in their real life situations. The speech as poses by Aristophanes means that the main purpose of Strepsiades’ backing of the son to join Socrates’ school was to gain adequate knowledge regarding unjust speech in order to apply it in real life. Socrates taught about unjust speech and it’s evident from the play that unjust speech eventually won against just speech. Plato on the other hand fails to give an adequate argument considering he argues that just is important than unjust (Adam). Plato insists on an imaginary city that is of a good form characterizing the goodness of its people considered just.
Through the just and the unjust speech, the educators are able to clearly enable the students to develop a persuasive speech technicalities. Such techniques are not only convincing to the general public, but they are also aimed at transforming the current situation in the society. However such education tends to contradict with the already set traditional beliefs and cultures, triggering some conflicts with the old generation. The students assimilating such knowledge also tended to be rebellious and opposed to the societal traditions.
The just and the unjust speech also triggered some hatred, and in the extreme cases it caused mass action and strikes in the learning institutions. Although a complete emphasis of the just and unjust speech could eventually trigger destructions through mass action, it has a positive impact to the society, since it aims at ensuring more habitable environment in future. Such arguments can be seen throughout the speech as the education of the son contradicts with that of the father. Pheidippides returns home a changed man as...
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