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Should the U.S. Senate Eliminate Filibusters?

Essay Instructions:
The writing is based on the movie "Mr. Smith goes to washington" by Frank Capra(1939). It should be approximately 600 words long, or two, typewritten, double-spaced pages focusing on the topic "Should the U.S. Senate eliminate filibusters?" One research source must be cited in the essay to support our opinion but the source should not be from the movie itself. We may not cite Wikipedia as the source for their work.
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Should the U.S. Senate Eliminate Filibusters?
A portion of American population has fundamentally maintained that the elimination of the filibuster by the U.S Senate will only maintain the autocracy of the majority and mob rule instead of having the majority rule which is harmonious with the minority. On contrary, those opposing the move claim that Article I, sections 7 and 8 of the U.S. Constitution provides that the Senate is fully mandated to utilize its own rules and that the filibustering forms part of the Senate rules. For more than two centuries, the U.S Senates have always practiced the technique of filibuster which allows minority parties or senators with views not shared by the other majority to air their views and be heard against those in control of the Senate. Historically, it required 67 votes to overcome any filibuster but in 1975, the Senate changed the rule and the number of votes from reduced to 60 (Montopoli). The effectiveness of this technique was made popular by seeing how young Jimmy Stewart starring as Sen. Jefferson Smith in the movie, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” by Frank Capra could beat all his powerful colleagues and refuse to give in to their corrupt plans by only standing and continuously speaking (Senate.gov). Filibusters have been part of the U.S Constitution playing critical role in political decisions and the move by the U.S. Senate to eliminate them should be discouraged. However, the technique should be used with intent for the general good of the public.
There has always been a misguided conception that the elimination of filibuster will pave way for tyrannical government without having any consideration of the minority rule. This presents a chronic misunderstanding of the whole concept of majority rule and democracy. Of course, improper application of any tool will lead to massive dangers. Equally, improperly applying the filibuster rule will eventually result in an autocrat minority rule which will never be in line with the America’s founding fathers. The only element that most Americans have failed to understand is what makes the current filibuster to appear very undemocratic. The problem arises when a filibuster is made up of as few as 60 votes from senators representing only a small percentage of the US population. This can clearly lead to a minority tyranny which Americans will not be ready to hear about or accept in their land. Consequences to this ruling a...
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