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Social Sciences
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Should the United States adopt a 'no first use' of nuclear weapons policy?

Essay Instructions:
The writing is based on the movie "Dr. Strangelove" by Stanley Kubrick(1964). It should be approximately 600 words long, or two, typewritten, double-spaced pages focusing on the topic "Should the United States adopt a "no first use" of nuclear weapons policy? " One research source must be cited in the essay to support our opinion but the source should not be from the movie itself. We may not cite Wikipedia as the source for their work.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The dynamics of international security have changed of late in the wake of the increased frequency of terrorist activities. Nations have taken measures which are aimed at guarding their territories against all forms on security threats through advancing the defense mechanisms. The inception and the development of information technology has resulted to an increased rate of threats as well as aided the security measures by the countries.
Nations have always possessed the right to defense in case of any act of aggression from any other nations (Henriksen 102). This means that a nation is allowed by the United Nations to go into war against another nation if the aim of the war is to defend itself from any act of aggression from another nation. This is never always observed as for any war to break, there must be the first aggressor who provokes the other nation to retaliate hence causing war.
Nations rank in order of their defense ability. Some nations are regarded as super powers due to their advanced capabilities when it comes to defense. An example of such nations includes the United States of America, Russia and so on. These nations not only hold their national interests when it comes to security but also they are major stakeholder of global peace. As such, they are usually more relevant when discussing the issue of global peace and in effect; they in a way govern the way matters of war and peace are carried out by other nations.
The United States of America is considered the world military super power. Therefore, its stakes are usually high in matters of global peace. It is a country that has taken part in numerous wars over the history and as such a major player in the internationals security. The United States of America therefore acts as a symbol for international peace. This is further explained by the fact that it has been involved in many wars and also it has always held a powerful bargaining power than other countries.
The question put is therefore, should the United States of America adopt a ‘no first use’ of nuclear weapons. No first use (NFU) refers to a military pledge not to use nuclear weapon first unless when attacked by adversaries using the nuclear weapons. Several countries have assented to this policy and have pledged not to use nuclear weapons unless when first...
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