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Sociology in Song Lyrics

Essay Instructions:
I know I put 9 pages, but it can be anywhere from 8-10. This paper is about how three different song lyrics relate to sociological issues. However, instead of song lyrics, it's also an option to use three different films that relate to sociology/sociological issues. Thank you!
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 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc323141000" Sociology in song lyrics  PAGEREF _Toc323141000 \h 3
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc323141001" Lou Reed (1988-1989) song Lyrics  PAGEREF _Toc323141001 \h 4
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc323141002" Dead Kennedys (1980)  PAGEREF _Toc323141002 \h 7
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc323141003" Grandmaster Flash and Furious Five (1983), John Lennon and Yoko Ono (1972)  PAGEREF _Toc323141003 \h 10
 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc323141004" Work cited  PAGEREF _Toc323141004 \h 13

Sociology in Song Lyrics
Popular music has applied for many years in teaching sociological issues. Sociological concepts are illustrated in organized patterns in the song lyrics to give a particular message to the audiences (Pence). This paper identifies with the Lou Reed lyrics in the year nineteen eighty eight to the year nineteen eighty nine in which the words of ‘’Statue of Bigotry’’. The words of the song reflected on ‘Give me your tired, your poor, I’ll piss on ‘em,” (Walczak). The song was generally describing the experiences faced by the immigrants in the United States of America. The paper also identifies with the lyrics of the song written by Dead Kennedys in the year nineteen eighty. The wordings of the song illustrated “kill the poor” and lynch the landlord” (Walczak). The song went ahead in asserting that all religions make them vomit. This song was driving at the religious hypocrisy in the society, urban poverty and the class attitudes among the people in the society.
The music by the Grand Master Flash in conjunction with the furious five in the year nineteen eighty three represented a rap, driving at women in the society (Walczak). The music went further to illustrate on a woman who put her baby in the garbage pail. Another piece of music done by Yoko Ono and John Lennon in the year nineteen seventy two addressed on the issues facing women (Walczak). The piece of work asserted that women are niggers of the world. This piece of lyrics went further to assert on the roles of women in the society putting more weight on the traditional setup. The song lyrics clearly indicate the sociological issues that are addressed by songs to the targeted audiences.
Lou Reed (1988-1989) Song Lyrics
Lou Reed song Lyrics in the year nineteen eighty eight to the year nineteen eighty nine work reflected on the immigrants experience in the United States of America (Jimenez). This is a sociological issue being addressed by the song lyrics (Pence). Immigration is the movement of people from one country to another purposely for settlement purposes. Immigration into United States of America is considered a complex process that involves demographic logistics. United States of America has been critical in the population control. Laws have been set that makes it difficult for people to move into the United States.
There are a number of challenges faced by immigrants in the United States due to cultural change. Variations in economic, political and social structures present challenges to the immigrants (Jimenez). The earlier American immigrants were mainly slaves working at the cotton farms. Racial discrimination is a major challenge faced by the immigrants (Jimenez). The controversy regarding ethnicity has presented heated debates between the Unites States citizens and the Immigrants. This is well indicated by the song lyrics done by Reed.
Aspects altered by the immigrations reflected on economic benefits, settlement patterns, non-immigrants job definition, mobility restrictions, voting system and the crime prevalence. Research indicated that United States of America in the years two thousand and six accepted legal immigrants than any other nation in the world (Jimenez). Considering the year nineteen sixty five, when the ethnic quotas were removed that barred immigrations led to multiplication of immigrants in the United States.
Immigration is a difficult process, dangerous adventure and expensive in nature for illegal immigrants in the United States of America. There are heavy laws that govern illegal immigration in America (Jimenez). There a number of immigration effects resonating with demographics, economic, social aspects, religious diversity, political changes, health structures, crime rates, environmental changes, education systems and the effects of the African Americans.
Immigration into America is observed from four angles; colonial period, mid-ninetieth century period, twentieth century period and the post nineteen sixty-five periods. The periods are believed to bring different people to the United States of America. The groups portrayed differences in ethnicities and races (Jimenez).
Demographics are one of the effects of the immigration in United States of America. Researchers have asserted that the American population is expected to hit three hundred and ninety-seven million people in the year twenty fifty from two hundred and eighty one million people experienced in the year two thousand (Jimenez). The swellings of populations are attributed by the immigration effect. The economic factors were considered to improve with the immigrants who offered cheap labour. Immigration has since turned negative contributions to the American population by the rising rate of unemployment.
Social aspects influenced by the immigration drives at cultural diversity (Jimenez). Many immigrants find Americans rude in their culture. American culture is very casual with less attention given to individuals. The culture dictates individualism with less friendship cultivated. Religious diversity offered by the immigrants has contributed significantly to the swelling number of religions in United States of America. There is Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism in the United States of America. Political aspects in United States of America values democracy, this is a feature that lack from many immigrants. This indicates that the political views presented by the immigrant’s present different setups in the society. Health issues for the immigrants have greatly contributed to a debate (Jimenez). This is considering the immigrants have overstretched the Unites States health systems. Immigrant come with different diseases from their origin countries making the health issue in America complicated in nature. Recent years have seen high unemployment rates in America. This has led to rising crimes rates. Many youths have resorted to crimes due to unemployment.
Research indicated that immigrants have very high chances of being arrested as compared to the Native Americans. Environment has experienced negative shock due to increased immigration in United States of America. Immigration extends the needs of extended development land, extended energy resources and water resources (Jimenez). Similar sentiments were presented in the song lyrics.
The education sector in the United States has been influenced by the immigrations. Immigrants are taking over education positions driving out Native Americans with time. Most of the immigrants in the United States of America are underpaid and employed in the informal sectors. There has been debate over the effects driven by the immigration. Lou Reed in his song lyric explained on the immigration experience in United States (Jimenez).
The public opinion over immigration in the recent times has indicated rivalry. Research has indicated that the American population standing at fifty-five percent are after decreasing the number of immigrants. Majority of United States citizens have indicated that immigration has led to the increasing number of unemployment driving social ill high (Jimenez). Immigration in America has been a biting issue with debates arising from the merits and the demerits presented by the immigration. This sociological issue was noted by Lou Reed and presented a song touching on immigration in the United States of America.
Dead Kennedys (1980)
The music lyrics of Dead Kennedys touched on the sociological issues identifying with poverty, class attitudes and the religious hypocrisy (Berinsky). The piece of work asserted that urban poverty was on increase. This is considering the number of rural urban migrations and the extended slum...
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