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Should the Government of Canada always intervene to stop mass killing?

Essay Instructions:
All right so my instructions will be on a genocide essay So on the sheet Should Canada, acting either unilaterally or as part of the United Nations (UN), always intervene to halt genocide and crimes against humanity, or are there situations where the right choice is choosing to not intervene? When Deciding whether or not to intercede in the mass killing of civilians, the government of Canada must weigh many factors, such as risk to Canadian soldiers, financial cost, international prestige, ethical issues, public opinion, etc.. Some of those influences argue for intervention while others argue against it. Using an example of genocide from the list provided, evaluate the Canadian governments decision to intervene. Remember an effective answer should include: 1) Background summary of the case study: e.g what countries/groups were involved? What led to the mass killing? Was it genocide? According to whom? Was a UN Council Resolutions? What did they resolve? 2) Assess the way in which Canada and the UN did or did not intervene: e.g what were there reasons for intervention or non-intervention? Do you support the action/inaction taken? was it justified? What was at stake? 3) Decide how this situation could be better dealt with in the future: e.g what do YOU think should have been done? How do you think Canada and the UN could have responded better? Is a universal policy on how a Canadian government responds to genocide a good idea? What it be? Why? Case Studies: 1) Bosnia 2) Darfur 3) Somalia 4) Kosovo 5) DR Congo 6) Khmer Rouge You will be required to write a 3-4-page research essay (double spaced, single sided), Which must include the following You must provide a Bibliography with 3-4 CREDIBLE sources in proper MLA format DUE DATE: Thursday, APRIL 26th, 2012 till 11:59 PM TURNITIN SUBMISSION List of Possible sources: UN Security Council Resolutions: http://www(dot)un(dot)org/documents/scres.htm UN Peacekeeping: http://www(dot)un(dot)org/peacekeeping/ Foreign affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT): http://www(dot)international(dot)gc(dot)ca/international/index.aspx The United Nations: http://www(dot)un(dot)org/ Canadian Permanent Mission to the UN: http: www(dot)canadainternational(dot)gc(dot)ca/ Un international Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: http://www(dot)icty(dot)org/ UN organization stabilization Mission in the DR Congo: http://monusco(dot)unmissions(dot)org/ Genocide watch: http://www(dot)genocidewatch(dot)org Human Rights Watch: http://hrw(dot)org/ Amnesty International: http://www(dot)amnesty(dot)org/
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Should the Government of Canada always intervene to stop mass killing?
Since civilization there have been numerous atrocities committed against humanity across the world. Mostly, these atrocities involves massive killing of innocent people thereby resulting into genocides. For instance, for the last three decades the world has witnessed a considerable number of genocides such as those committed in Bosnia, Darfur, Somalia, Kosovo, Rwanda, DR Congo, Khmer Rouge, and so on (Xavier, 2007). However, genocide is referred to as the systemic and deliberate way of killing and destructing, in part or in whole, of religious, racial, ethnic or national group (Levy, 2008). Thus in all cases of genocide the common feature is massive killing as well as destruction of property.
In this essay the intervention of the Government of Canada in the attempt of stopping mass killing will be evaluated. The reasons why Canada should intervene to stop mass killing will be discussed in details. In this essay the case study will be conducted of Darfur genocide where hundred thousands of people were killed and millions others displaced from the region. The role of Canada in ending the Darfur genocide will also be evaluated in addition to its contributions in terms of providing peacekeeping troops, humanitarian assistance and diplomacy (Totten and Markusen, 2006).
Darfur is located in Southern Sudan formerly in Sudan and it has a population of approximately 6 million drawn from various tribes (Genocide Watch, 2011). When Omar Bashir the Sudan president took power in 1989 through a military coup, his governance led to increased regional tensions in Darfur. In the attempts to reclaim the political control of Darfur, weapons were supplied into the region and conflicts between nomadic Arab tribes and African farmers heightened. This resulted to two major rebel movements in Darfur taking arms in 2003 such as the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) against the Sudanese government (Levy, 2008). Their major grievances were marginalization and the failure of the Sudanese government to protect African farmers from Arab nomads` attacks (Genocide Watch, 2011). However, this led to a very deplorable situation whereby the Sudan government in response unleashed Janjaweed a group of Arab militias. Janjaweed militia collaborated with the Sudanese forces in attacking villages throughout Darfur completely destroying them while at the same time leading to killing of thousands others and displacing millions of people (Totten and Markusen, 2006).
Towards the end of the Darfur genocide which had resulted to systemic displacement and murder of Darfur residents approximately 400,000 lives were lost while at the same time over 2,500,000 people were displaced (United Human Rights Council, 2009). These numbers were alarming and the Sudanese government continued to dispute these estimates as well as denying to have been connected with the Janjaweed. Due to failure of the Sudanese government to address this human rights crisis, the international community was forced to intervene including the Government of Canada. At the same time the International Criminal Court had launched its investigations despite the failure of the Sudan government to cooperate. This culminated with the issuance of arrest warrant to the Ahmad Harun former State for the Interior Minister, Ali Kushayb Janjaweed militia leader as well as Omar El Bashir, the first sitting president to whom arrest warrant was issued by ICC (Xavier, 2007).
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