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Do Humans Cause Climate Change?

Essay Instructions:

Its a persuasive essay.3-4 pages, formatted using MLA, include 2-3 scholarly sources from the database ,incorporate two direct quotes, two block quotes, four paraphrases, and two summaries into the rough draft, include well-developed counterargument with rebuttal(s) that addresses alternate viewpoint(s) to strengthen the your position, include accurate in-text citations and a complete Works Cited

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Do Humans cause climate change?
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) defines climate change as “the broad range of global phenomena created predominantly by burning of fossil fuel, which in return add heat-trapping gases to the earth’s atmosphere. The global phenomena include an increased temperature described as global warming, but also encompasses changes such as ice melting in the Antarctica, Greenland, and the mountain glaciers in different parts of the world; and extreme weather events" (NASA). While climate change can change because of natural changes such as volcanic activity, human activities contribute substantially to climate change. Human activities, including the excessive use of fossil fuel, the release of the chemical into the atmosphere, deforestation and expansion of agriculture, and industrial activities, have triggered an increase in earth’s temperature and increased greenhouse gases, leading to climate change.
Human-caused climate change.
Greenhouse effects are currently the main drivers of climate change. While most of these gases are naturally occurring, human activity has significantly catalyzed their atmospheric concentration, particularly methane, carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. Ideally, the increased impacts of climate change are primarily attributed to the consequences of industrialization. Overpopulation and emission pollution are key issues that contribute significantly to climate change. Ahmed, Nesar, et al. (2017) notes that “the blame for both land and air pollution, ozone layer depletion, and global warming are all attributed to industrialization” (Ahmed, Nesar, et al. 68). Industrialization is the center of all catastrophic impacts on the environment.
According to Benegal and Lyle (2018), "since the beginning of the industrial age, the increasing human population has tripled up the demand of fossil fuels to mainly aid economic development as well as advance human comfort, profit, and convenience" (Trenberth463). As a result, the increased combustion of fossil fuels, namely gas, coal, and oil, has produced significant greenhouse gases that have altered either atmospheric balance and retained harmful heat in the atmosphere. The increased combustion of fossil fuels in different parts of the economy has led to a historical increase of greenhouse gases, approximated at 406 million parts per million (PPM) as of 2018.
Secondly, the devasting effect of industrialization and resultant greenhouse gases is deforestation.
Of the many gifts forests give human beings, one is desperately important, controlling climate change. Trees capture and regulate greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, thus preventing them from accumulating in the atmosphere and creating a warming effect (Benegal and Lyle 62).
Trees and humans exist in a mutually benefiting relationship. While animals, including humans, breathe in oxygen, plants use carbon dioxide to manufacture food. When humans are clear forests, they kick out a gree...
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