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Sociology Final Paper Sample

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following questions in essay format. Follow the directions carefully for Parts I and II. There are different requirements for each part of the exam.


You should include all responses in one Word document. Please add a “page break” in between each response. Responses that are under the minimum will not be graded. Essays must be typed in 12-point font and double-spaced. I am giving you creative license for the font. Exercise good judgment, and don’t use comic sans.


Be mindful of how much space your quotations are taking up. If you are going to use a lengthy quote, that is fine. However, you should not rely on that quote to satisfy your minimum requirement. Again, use your own good judgment here.


Make sure you answer each part of each question providing evidence from the texts we read in class. Be concise and provide page numbers for all text citations. No bibliography is necessary. If we have read more than one text by any one theorist quote them as such (Du Bois, Souls, 99). There is no minimum number of citations needed, but remember that you must back up your arguments with citations from the text to make the responses strong. Do not simply paraphrase from the text or from lecture. Take time to reflect on the questions and to take your analysis beyond what was presented in class. Ask why. Ask how. Think about how the theorists exist beyond the confines of the book. How do their theories live in the 21st century? How do they apply in a modern context?


You can work on these questions together, but you must write your essays individually.

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Sociology 203 Final Paper
Part One
Question A.
In this scenario, Du Bois is discussing the concept of double consciousness. Double consciousness is a situation where a person’s identity is divided into various facets. It refers to the psycho-social divisions that exist in American society and can be used to comprehend the reasons behind the existence of such divisions. In the quote, Du Bois focuses on the blacks' experience, which can be used to analyze how they challenge international justice systems. The African Americans belong to a society characterized by white people. Therefore, they strive to belong in such a society without neglecting the society being represented by their skin color (Du Bois, 69). They wish to be a part of a society where their skin color will not be why they miss out on certain opportunities. Unfortunately, the levels of racism in today’s world are very high. The African American has been subjected to a world where some of the best opportunities have been set aside for the white people. Therefore, they have a double consciousness where one of the divisions in their lives is considered an American while the other division is the racism, they face due to their skin color. Du Bois uses the term Negros to refer to the division where their skin color defines the people. He also uses the term American to describe the division where the people belong to a land of white people.
Du Bois portrays the African Americans s people who undergo a lot of challenges in dealing with their skin color while living in America. He describes this situation as “two unreconciled strivings” to indicate the blacks' struggle in an attempt to fit in American society. Racism has played a role in oppressing African Americans. The oppression is severe to the extent that they have to keep strong to avoid being torn by such acts. A high number of African Americans tend to lose opportunities because of their skin color. The racists believe that white people deserve such opportunities. An African American has to work harder than the whites to achieve the American dream due to the numerous challenges involved. Despite the various efforts to end racism in America, a lot of people continue to face it. Du Bois points out that the world already has a certain misconception about African Americans. Therefore, a Negro has to live a life that corresponds to society's misconceptions. Such kind of life is what makes a person an American and Negro.
Question B.
In his analysis of the double consciousness concept, Fanon outlines the colonized people’s consciousness. He further outlines the mental conflict that these people face because they have double identities. One of their identities is defined by their skin color. Such an identity plays a major role in dictating their ways of life because they face limited opportunities. Their counterparts, the white people, have plenty of opportunities to exploit. The other identity of the colonized in being Americans. This means they have to live according to the American ways despite the many challenges they face (Bu Bois, 69). The colonized people face many struggles in life as they deal with the two identities of being an American and a Negro. Fanon’s idea about double consciousness differs from Du Bois’s explanation in his approach towards racism. Du Bois believes that Negros have to struggle with the idea of living with two conflicting divisions in their life. Fanon believes that blacks should not be assimilated to white supremacy. He attributes his ideas to the experience of racism that he has faced in the past.
In Fanon’s book, Black Skin White Masks, he outlined how challenging it would have been for him to live in negro neighborhoods without his Negro origin. Such indicates the social stratification that has been created due to people's skin color. An individual has to be a Negro to fit in neighborhoods occupied by Negros (Fanon, Black, 120). Therefore, if one does not have a Negro origin, they would be forced to live in other neighborhoods. Such has disrupted people’s social life in modern life worldwide. These Negros are also expected to fit in the colonizer’s way of life as long as they live in America. The Negro should adopt the oppressor’s personality and also maintain their culture. This creates the concept of double consciousness and outlines the mental struggles that Negros have to do through n maintaining their culture and fitting in the world of their oppressors. Fanon resists such manipulation because he claims that it is not psychologically healthy. Fanon's experience of racism played a major role in shaping his believes in the oppressor’s ways of life. The oppression made him focus on the idea of assimilating the blacks into the white society....
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