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Media Analysis Paper Assignment Sample

Essay Instructions:



Paper Assignment #2

Current Event Analysis

DUE DATE: 5/12/21

I would like you to choose an event that has been covered in the news recently and do an analysis of the way it was covered in 4 different news outlets. In the spirit of what we’ve been doing all term, I would like you to find multiple narratives for the story you choose. Talk about how the issue is being presented from multiple perspectives. The news story can be anything you choose, but you must relate it to one or more of the sociological concepts we’ve been learning about this term. Stronger papers will relate the story to more than one sociological concept and integrate their analysis with their outlining of the narratives constructed about the event.

Your paper must be roughly 4-6 pages in length (double spaced, 12 point times new roman font, 1-1.25” margins) and include a description of the current event in detail, what news sources you chose to analyze, what those news sources are saying about it (Include as many disparate articles as possible from at least 4 different news outlets).

You must use concepts of media literacy to back up your analysis. Talk about the reasons that news outlets might have for constructing narratives differently. Refer to class discussion and/or outside sources from the library for your discussion of media literacy and critical reading of news.

You must also discuss how the coverage of the issue, and the issue itself, relate to the sociological concepts we’ve covered this term in class.

You will be graded on detail, structure, critical analysis, and connection to class material. The paper is worth 100 points, roughly 22% of your final grade.

You will be graded on:

1: The Level of detail and Thick Description (What were the articles saying? How were they saying things differently? What might the outlet’s political and economic motivations be for telling the story the way that they do?) (60 Points)

2: How you relate the event you’re discussing to specific concepts of media literacy and from any other concepts from class discussion and the readings/text/any other sources/articles you find. (30 Points)

3: Organization and quality of writing (10 Points)


1 Introduction (Includes Thesis Statement)

2 Review of the literature (Media Literacy, critical reading of news, content analysis.)

3 Data (Talk about the articles you found. How do they construct the narrative of the event you chose? How are the narratives constructed differently across the 4 articles you’ve chosen to analyze?)

4 Analysis (Relate what you found to the media literacy theories you outlined. Relate the event itself to any of the sociological concepts from class that you find to be relevant.)

5 Conclusion (Wrap it up-Tie it together.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Media Analysis Paper Assignment
There are many ways through which people can get news. The only challenge is distinguishing the reel from the fake news. Such explains the reason why people tend to spread false news on social media platforms unknowingly. Hence, people need to understand the concept of media literacy. This concept would allow people to know the motive behind every piece of news presented by various media. In turn, they will not have to believe in false news. Media literacy is the ability of an individual to detect the credibility of news or the bias and framing represented in such news (Bulger, Monica, and Patrick). Different media will present the same stories in different versions. If an individual does not have media literacy, it might be easy for them to get a biased view about the particular news. An example of such news is the verdict of Derek Chauvin verdict regarding George Floyd's death. The verdict made found Derek Chauvin guilty of killing George Floyd. The matter was surrounded by a lot of limelight and resulted in creating a movement known as black loves matter. The killing of George Floyd indicated the brutality that black people face daily in the harms of the police. The main way through which people received news regarding the verdict was through the media. Various media houses had a different way of reporting the matter to the public. Therefore, this paper will focus on articles from four media regarding the topic.
CNN reported the matter by pointing to the events that resulted in the verdict. Such creates the credibility of their story because the people who had not heard about the murder of George Floyd can easily understand what the news is about. The article catches the audience's attention by terming the event as a trial of the "most consequential trials of the Black Lives matter" (Hayes, Mike, et al). Again, this section is made to express a political gain regarding the brutality that black people face in the arms of the police. This section does not seem neutral to every audience because the writers provide their opinion based on what other people have said about police brutality. This section is biased because an individual who has not heard about police brutality against blacks will assume it exists. Such a person will have a certain perceptive about the police after reading the article. Their perspective might be biased because not every police officer expresses brutality to black people. This article requires media literacy to prevent people from having a biased judgment regarding the US justice system. As a person reads the article, the main thing they can think about is police brutality against African Americans. This media has viewers from different parts of the world, and therefore, the article writers understand the influence that their article could have on people worldwide.
Another media, the BBC News Service, presents the news in a captivating way. The article begins by pointing out that the verdict was about a man who killed an African American named George Floyd (George Flyod). At this point, the reader can tell the level of bias presented in the article. The writer does not bother mentioning the culprit's name. Is this a way of capturing the reader's attention, or is it made to create a political environment of racism? The writer intended to create a political environment to insinuate police brutality against African A...
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