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Differences Between Step Families and Nuclear Families

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Your essay this week is on step families or if you prefer international families. Compare and contrast the 'typical' nuclear family with either a stepfamily or international family according to their specific differences in roles, occupations, etc as you have learned over the semester.

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Differences Between Step Families and Nuclear Families
Stepfamilies come as a result of both adults engage in marital relations, through married couples being annulled and in a case where the guardianship of children is shared among two families. A stepfamily is defined as a household in which two adults are hitched or cohabitating together. One of them has a child from another or a previous relationship or joint arrangement. In contrast, a nuclear family is a family comprised of a man, woman, and children. It is usually complete if you can say so.
One comparison of the nuclear family and stepfamilies is that both are institutions where culture is created and embraced. It is the primary building block where all other social forms rest on. Both the nuclear and blended families are not only the set up where emotions like hate, love, sacrifice, sex, and religion are embraced but also it is the critical setup where reproduction happens, then acclimatized and finally institutionalized. I will begin with the nuclear family. (Dupere, Veronique, et al., 2010). One of the advantages of a nuclear family in terms of roles and occupation is that there is sufficient space and freedom for the children in nuclear families. A nuclear family is small, just a father, mother, and children, and so they all have adequate space in their houses and more freedom because the parents are not always at home because of work.
Mostly in nuclear families, a parent can make decisions by themselves without involving the other partner. It is an advantage, especially with the modern nuclear families, because since both parents have work to go to, they can make decisions for the family independently (Freudenburg, William R., and Debra J. Davidson, 2007). With nuclear families, the children learn to be more responsible by learning how to do house chores, take care of their siblings, cook, etc. Because the parents are not always at home, the children in this family learn to manage household duties independently.
Another crucial ascendancy of nuclear families is that the children manage to progress in their personalities. Children's personalities in nuclear families are always built so strongly because they are always free and close to their parents to talk through issues affecting them in life. So, this builds their identity immensely. Parents in a nuclear family are in a manageable state to use a family planning program (Freudenburg, William R., and Debra J. Davidson, 2007). They need to plan and limit the children to have because all responsibilities lie to them alone. The more the children, the more the expenses. However, it is beneficial to the children because they inherit all their parents' property.
Now, let us shift our attention to blended families. They are quite a unique family set up with not so many privileges like the nuclear families. First, if I can highlight some of the expectations women in stepfamilies have, they usually want to make up for their children because of divorce. ( Mason, Mary Ann, 1998). They want to show they are not bad stepmothers, and they love their children unconditionally. Whereas in the same context, there are also expectations men have when they get into stepfamilies. They want to be exceptional da...
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