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Crime: Crime Prevalent In Modern Society

Essay Instructions:

For this paper, you need to relate interviews to ideas from the course. Youhave to conduct two interviews with two Asians 18-22 about her/his juvenile offending (something they did that was illegal before they turned 18). 

Paper instruction: The beginning of the paper should be a summary of the interviewees’ experiences. The goal is to briefly describe the two people interviewed and summarize their experiences with illegal behavior and their current situation. Then, you will use course materials to analyze your interviewees’ responses. You should refer to interviewees’ responses whenever possible, including direct quotes and/or summaries of responses in your own words.

Thesis: You have a lot of freedom and flexibility about thesis - you can focus on why people commit the crime, how well different theories from the course explain the experiences people had, what happens to people afterward, or how they think of others who commit the same crime they did or some combination of these or other ideas. I want you to take the data collected and write something that is of interest to you based on course concepts. You do not have to touch on every single question from the interviews or every single theory from the course, but you do need to analyze the interviews through the lens of course concepts and theories.

Citations: Do not bring in outside theories or readings; please only cite materials and concepts from the course that I uploaded. There are a lot of documents but you don't have to read them all. Just use some of them as citations. That's all.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code/Title
Crime: Crime Prevalent In Modern Society
Interview Summary
An interview between two people aged 22 and 23 reveals a scenario where the crime begins from childhood. The first interviewee is a lady aged 23. She lived with her mother and sister in Brooklyn, New York City. The lady had a bad experience with her parenting as she explains that her mother and father did not live together despite them being married. This was because the father worked in a different city. The lady says that despite having two parents all alive, she could only meet with the father not more than 2 times a month with instances of not even meeting for a whole month. Her relationship with the mother was not a very bad one, despite the mother failing to follow up her studies. Her relationship with the father was a hostile one and the reasons were that the father used to take on her mother every time, they used to have tough conversations and the father was a frequent smoker and an alcoholic. The father was generally not concerned with the whereabouts of her, except for the mother who knew what the lady was up to.
The lady started her involvement in crime in her teen years, and she confesses that her crimes were picking things from stores and stealing her mother’s money. The reason for stealing the money was to buy snacks and candies. At one point she was caught by the mother while stealing her money and her mother was so mad with her. Not knowing how to handle it, the mother broke into tears. This made the lady know how bad it was to steal money from her mother and decided not to ever do it again. The lady understands well that the end of her stealing would be going to jail and paying fines. She regrets doing these acts as she imagines the risk she was putting on her future life. According to her understanding, if she was caught by police, they would have taken her to school and, pay her fines and get her listened to as a thief. This is not something she would want. She also believed that the justice system was racially biased and that blacks were more mistreated than white. Her wish is that the law should be fair and equal irrespective of the race of the criminal
On her reflection, she attributes her criminal activities to a habit that she developed while young, and that she believes, those who do crime are doing so as a habit. Stealing low-value things would develop into a bigger crime that can make one documented. Getting caught is her biggest worry. She finally decided to stop crime because she realized it was bad and the consequences are dare. She confirms that changing from these behaviors is not an easy thing for everyone but self-decision is key. To some, they have to be arrested and charged by the law. Her crime-free-life dreams are getting a well-paying job so that she can buy herself and her mother a house and still have enough to tour the world with her family.
A second interviewee is 22 years old. When in high school she lived with his parents and there were no incidents of different races as the neighborhood was only for the Chinese. He had a very normal relationship with the parents. While in high school he was already independent and his parents didn’t know much of her whereabouts. His crime life began at an early age and some of the crimes he can remember are destroying other people’s property. He also remembers buying sex once in Singapore where he had gone to do an exam. He then joined college and at the age of 17, he was a very crazy first Year. He and his roommates started drinking with ladies in their house and dropping them with their friend's new car. They tested several drugs such as weed, LSD, and Molly, but never touched things like Meth or heroin. He later applied for a visa to Canada where he bought drugs and sex. He confirms going to Canada drugs several times for drugs and admits it was indeed a dangerous move.
On what would happen if caught up or the parents were aware, he was aware that if the parents knew they would be so mad at him especially on the issue of drugs since Chinese parents are usually very tough on the use of weed and other drugs. He is aware of the dangers of buying sex such as contracting HIV. According to him if he was caught by police he would be arrested and sent back to China. He explains that no student could do what he was doing unless if they were very rich because rich kids never cared about being sent back to China or anything. He believes that the justice system especially the police would be so harsh to blacks or Mexicans if caught doing so. For the super-rich crime was nothing to worry about since they can afford the best lawyers. He believes that illegal things should only be punishable by law if the intention of the doer was bad. But for him who did it for fun and to try things, he should be fine and not punished.
On his reflection, he says that he did so many things for fun and to try them. He has nothing to regret and nothing to change. His nature is to try things like testing Molly driving at a crazy speed and many others. He maintains that he doesn’t care about being caught as long as he intends to try things and not to harm anyone. He believes that drug trafficking should be stopped by the government. In his future, he is interested in expanding their family business. He likes America and the type of school he will attend is nothing for him to worry about as long as there is fun.
From the above interview summary, it is clear that the respondents are representing views that particular people in the society agree with while others do not. This personal perspective towards Crime is a very interesting phenomenon that has attracted the interest of several scholars who have come up with different theories that explain and elaborate crime in a society. In this section of this paper, use these different theories to understand and reason together with the interviewee's responses and understand what makes people commit Crime.
Lombroso’s Theory Of the Born Criminal
Most social theorists have linked crime with social factors that attribute to one's behavior and have deliberately ignored the role of genetic makeup. As a counter to this, biological theorists have come up with theories that explain how the biological traits of a person can lead them to crime. One of these biological theories is the Lombroso Theory of born Criminal which was first introduced in 1876 by Cesare Lombroso in The Criminal Man (Beccalossi 562). Lombroso claimed that the physical characteristics of people can make them naturally criminal. To prove his point Lombroso, compared the physical characteristics of Italian prisoners and compared them with those of Italian soldiers. According to Lombroso, the characteristics of the prisoners were different f...
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