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Best Way to Know the Truth: Objectivity, Subjectivity, and Intersubjectivity

Essay Instructions:

Question: Is objectivity the best way to know the truth about reality?

Choose one from these Positions FOR Objectivity:

1)Descartes' Rationalism + Hume’s Empiricism = Scientific Method

2)Marx’s Historical Materialism / Ideology Critique

Choose one from these Positions AGAINST Objectivity:

1)Nietzsche’s Existential Perspectivism (Subjectivity)

2)Abram’s Phenomenology (Intersubjectivity)

Hence, these are the possible debate options: (select one for your essay)

Scientific Method vs Perspectivism

Scientific Method vs Phenomenology

Historical Materialism vs Perspectivism

Historical Materialism vs Phenomenology

(Personally, I choose Scientific Method vs. Phenomenology, But you can choose whichever you want)

PROMPT: Write an 800-900 word essay in which you argue FOR or AGAINST the conclusion that objectivity is the best way to know the truth about reality. Use one well-developed example to make your case. Use (only) texts assigned or discussed in this class to make your argument.



(a) Briefly distinguish the two ways of getting at the truth about reality which you will take up in your essay: “objectivity,” “subjectivity,” and/or “intersubjectivity.”

(b) State & HIGHLIGHT your thesis clearly, indicating the position you will take for or against objectivity and the opposition you will take up in response to your argument.

(c) Preview: Promise to demonstrate the strength of [your position] over [your opposition’s position] by comparing and contrasting their views on [the truth about example].

2. Argument for your position: Explain how your position reveals truth in general. Develop (in depth) an example that supports your thesis: This is the truth about X.

3. Consider your opposition: Explain how the opposition’s position reveals the truth in general. Using the same example provide a contrasting (in depth) depiction of the truth about X.

4. Analysis: Compare & Contrast:

(a) Explain the truth revealed by your position that is not revealed by the opposition’s position; and

(b) consider the truth revealed by your opposition’s position that is not revealed by your position.

5. Conclude with a comparative judgment & implications:

(a) State the comparative advantage your position has over the other; and

(b) speculate about the good consequences that will follow from it.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Best Way to Know the Truth
Objectivity is the way of getting at the truth about reality by understanding how things are in the world. Subjectivity proposes getting at the truth by relying on opinions, feelings, and other factors external to the material world. Objectivity is a more scientific approach than subjectivity because it relies on data-based studies. In his theory of historical materialism, Karl Marx employed objectivity to explain the truth about the world (Shand 13). On the other hand, Friedrich Nietzsche sought to prove his theory of existentialism through subjectivity (Constâncio et al. 24). In this paper, the author focuses on showing why objectivity is the best way of knowing the truth about reality. Therefore, the author will take up subjectivity as the opposition. In the modern-day world, inequality is a significant problem. While some view inequality as a problem caused by the wealthy, others view it as a social problem in no way caused by the super-rich. The author aims to use this example of inequality to show why objectivity is the best way of getting to the truth about reality.
Through his theory of historical materialism, Marx shows that the state of the world today is the result of economic evolutions that have taken place over time. Before industrialization and the age of enlightenment, the economy of any given region was controlled by monarchies (Shand 237). Although trade was also present, merchants had to pay substantial taxes to their kings and queens. Therefore, the unequal society still in existence today results from a system formulated thousands of years ago. As time went by, people became connected through transcontinental roads and by sea. Trade grew, resulting in an even greater number of merchants. However, the same state of inequality remained because merchants would need to secure cheap labor to make profits. This idea would continue until the nineteenth century, when slavery was abolished in the United States. Despite the abolition of slavery, inequality would always be a significant problem globally. The reason is that humans are mainly capitalist beings. The objective is to maximize profits, even if it is at the other person's expense. Therefore, the only truth in such a world is that for one to escape the state of poverty produced by inequality, one has to work hard and succeed in life.
Nietzsche's existential perspectivism suggests that opinions from different people can explain the truth about reality. Peo...
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