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Religion & Theology
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How does one make oneself better? Religion & Theology Essay

Essay Instructions:

How does one make oneself better? what are the limits and goals of perfection.

life away from sin

virtuous life

using all the materials that I give to you. use some citations from my materials. And you do not use the other materials from other site. ONLY USE the MATERIAL that I GIVE TO YOU

Picture of 0765 is requirement. And the other pics are materials.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How does one make oneself better?
How does one make oneself better?
The issue of creating a good life may be constrained on the potentials of human nature. How good we think a society can become depends on how good we believe human nature is. Some religious groups believe that the spiritual life is all about moving from glory to glory anticipating for the Lord’s return and that failure, suffering, and death has very limited influence. Religious perfectionists hold views that the more we believe, the more we move into the heavenly life where death has no control. The idea of perfectionism is not limited to religious groups. In a secular version, perfection is regarded as part of success and is associated with a good life, better houses and job promotions. Those without this things are deemed to be in a dead-end and are said not to be living up to their potential.
One way out of this dead-end situation is by thinking differently, taking control of one’s life and by believing in oneself. This is not very different from the views of the religious perfectionist who believe in God’s promises for the good life (Farina, 2002). However, the difference between these two groups is how they approach their situations, a secular individual who believes in him or herself will take the appropriate situation to better the situation. Most probably nothing will happen which me...
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