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How Does One Make Oneself Better?

Essay Instructions:

How does one make oneself better?

What are the limits and gods of perfection.

Life away from gin

Virtuous life - Follow Christ.

Moving forward or backward. (Right thing “The Way”)

Cool moves/ dram to heaven/ God/ Good

*Please write according to the information provided and key notes. Do not add any personal opinions. The full essay only needs to be written according to the information given.

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How does one make oneself better?
Life away from sin and a virtuous life are indicators of one’s attempts to live virtuously and do good. In Gregory of Nyssa’s Way of Perfection, he emphasized that perfection may help to steer clear of obstacles in self-improvement, being perfect makes it difficult to identify and attain realistic goals. Similarly, believing harder does not eliminate human imperfections. The soul and body are closely linked and people mature spiritually as they move closer towards perfection as there are continuous transformations and even shifting identities. Nyssa pointed out that people grow in goodness when there are virtuous and seek perfection, and this requires discipline where one has to choose between good over evil. Perfection is found when there is a close relationship with God rather than following a strict code of moral in search of perfection.
The human soul or mind is the battle ground between sin and salvation, and the process of change to perfection is continuous and believers have to stay away from sin for there to be self-improvement. Life away from sin is necessary for one to be better as there is focus on self-improvement and living a holier life. Additionally, when people obey God and living according to his teachings they cleanse their souls from the blemishes that keep them away from connecting with the divine (Farina 133). When people seek God they receive divine life, which has unending growth unlike the search for material things.
While God’s good grace is essential to live virtuous, people have to make a conscious decision to act and do good, while also fellowshipping. Resisting the sinful desires that separate people from God is necessary to achieve perfection and follow Christ. Living a virtuous life requires that people choose what is right, but perception of virtue has no limit like the case of quantifi...
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