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Finding True Happiness Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Below there are several links to videos about Faith, Apologetics, Happiness and/or Truth. The task of this assignment is to have you select and watch at least 1 of the videos. After watching the videos, write a reflection on the video from the mind and heart of a senior in high school. Use the following questions to assist you with your own reflection essay. You do not have to answer the questions directly, they are meant to assist you, to jump start your thoughts.

Your essays should be thoughtful and offer deep insights from the mind and heart of a 17 – 18-year-old.

The length needs to be long enough to express those deep thoughts, certainly no less than 225 words.

Jump Start Questions:

How are faith and belief presented in these videos?

How does the discussion of faith and God in the videos differ from the cultural understanding of these?

What challenges would the average teen find in the messages of this video?

What benefit would teens find if they followed these messages about life and faith?

According to the videos, what does God want of us regarding faith and our future?

What are your OWN personal thoughts on the video?

Select any video. If the link does not work, search Youtube with the name and title.

Fr. Spitzer – Remarkable Evidence of a Transcendent Soul https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=qqJXa3o1Rqo

Sr. Miriam James – Intimacy with God https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=SY7naJqJtXE

Mark Hart - Playing with Fire https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=IEWzMgnFPEw

Jennifer Fulwiler - From Atheist to Catholic https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=BU5EAFbVXzk

Jennifer Fulwiler - The Journey Home https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=yORuV2U55tw

Fr. Robert Spitzer - Finding True Happiness https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=ZsiWze7km74

Trent Horn – Answering Objections to Faith https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=DAy9OiDxfmU

Bishop Robert Barron – Religion and the Opening Up of the Mind https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=enDhX49F3XI

Catholic Values!!!!!!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Finding True Happiness
After watching the video titled Finding True Happiness, I got to know that Fr. Robert Spitzer has attempted to help us identify ourselves in a number of ways so that we could bring a lot of happiness to our lives. Happiness, according to Robert Spitzer, lies in how faithful we are and what are religious beliefs and moral values. It may not be possible for any person to remain happy or to feel satisfied internally if his life is a blend of belief and disbelief. There are four main stages of happiness, each of which is related to how we react to different situations, how we handle uncertainties and how seriously we take the religion.
Fr. Robert Spitzer thinks that without having faith in God, the understanding of the universe is not possible for anyone. God has hidden a lot of truths in the things around us, and the universe exists to serve humans. In order to succeed in all walks of life, one must recognize himself, the environment and seek the help of God in case of an emergency or uncertainty. People in today’s world are known for their cultural diversity. Every individual has his own point of view and opinion when it comes to talking about the religion or achieving some cultural goals. The one thing that matters is how the person associates himself to God and what types of beliefs or morals he has.
Teens have a lot to learn from this video. First of all, they can pay attention...
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