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Religion & Theology
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Gandhi’s My Religion: The Presence of God and its Implications

Essay Instructions:

Wrtire a reflection on the reading in two ways, critically and personally. Section 4 and section 5 of My Religion by Gandhi.

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A Reflection Paper on Gandhi’s My Religion
While religion is a safe haven for many, for others it is perceived as a scourge responsible lending discord and suffering. Some adverse feelings about religion lie in the divergent understanding of God and morality. By reflecting on Gandhi’s My Religion, this essay seeks to advance understanding of how religion can indeed be the elixir the world craves. The paper also includes a critical analysis of some sections of the publication. Humans can converge on an idea of God (Truth), but it requires devotion to love that transcends family, tribe, race, religion, or political affiliation.
The most plausible idea in this book is that of non-violence. As the author excellently theorizes, non-violence is the insignia of a supreme law to which people adhere to inadvertently, and under limited circumstances. For example, the infinite love a mother harbors and expresses towards her child and other immediate relatives (Gandhi 64), or the commendable level of tolerance that has allowed people to retain their wealth in regardless of the society in which they live (Gandhi 65). Both examples are relatable – everyone knows a mother who sacrificed nearly everything for her child, a disadvantaged individual owning a property. These analogies show that non-violence is achievable on a global scale.
The major contribution of the publication also evokes a sense of controversy, subjectivity, and abstractness that ebbs the overall impact. The concept of absolute non-violence, just like the existence of God and his interactions with the realm of human reality, remains greatly contested – so much that many commentators resort to faith as the answer. However, the idea of faith is no less subjective...
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