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Core Elements of Christianity Life and Death of Jesus Christ

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Core Elements of Christianity
Research has revealed that Christianity was the most practiced religion in the whole world with over two billion believers. It centers on the beliefs on the life of Jesus all the way from birth, to death and finally to resurrection. Christianity started with a small group of believers. Majority of historians’ looks at its adoption as well as spread all over the world as one of the most successful spiritual missions in mankind’s history. The believers followed the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is believed that Jesus Christ was born to the Virgin Mary, who became pregnant through Holy Spirit’s action. This paper aims at researching the main elements of Christianity.
Christianity History
Christianity’s History centers on the history of the church as well as religion. It concerns the teachings of Jesus during his life in addition to what was taught by his disciples after he was crucified. Christianity takes itself on the revelation of the son of God. The church is regarded as an institution that was commissioned by Jesus Christ to salvage people. Christianity first began as a Jewish sect, but spread at a fast rate throughout the Roman Empire as well as to other regions in the world. Although Christianity was originally mistreated, it would later become the State Religion in the empire of Roman. Paul helped to establish churches in the empire. On the other hand, the church was mistreated, and it also remained small. Many believers of this religion were killed for believing, and they became martyrs.
For the following few centuries, there emerged controversies as well as debates on the exact interpretation of Christianity as ideas were discussed and formulated.
Life and Death of Jesus Christ
The history of Christians mainly focuses on the life of Christ; the son of God. That is from the time He was born, the time He died plus when He resurrected. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The story the birth of the son of God is well told in the writings of Luke as well as Mathew in the Holy Bible. Christians believed that His birth was the fulfillment of the prophecies that were made in the Old Testament. The prophecies claimed that the son of God would release the Jews from captivity. Little is known after his birth until he began to give His after attaining thirty years. He spent the following three years healing, teaching as well as performing miracles. Jesus Christ gave His teachings in parables. The teaching contained divine messages for those who were willing to listen. He chose twelve disciples to follow him and helm Him in His work. The son of God stated publicly that He had the authority of God to give the teachings and to perform miracles as well as to heal the sick.
Although the life of Christ is an issue of academic debate, researchers, as well as scholars, agree on when Jesus was born. Research has shown that he was born in Bethlehem and grew up in Nazareth. The ministry of Jesus included recruitment of disciples who would help him in doing his work. The disciples regarded him as a healer, exorcist as well as a miracle worker. He was prosecuted through crucifixion by Pontius Pilate. After his death, he was placed in a tomb, but he resurrected on the third day.
The claim that He was working with God’s authority angered Palestine’s religious leaders. As a result, they decided to hand Him over to the Roman leaders as a ground-breaking. He was tried, condemned as well as killed through crucifixion. Three days after He has executed some women whom it is believed were His followers went to his tomb only to find that it was empty. Christ later appeared to them alive as the one they had known before he was killed. The followers realized that He had resurrected from the dead. His followers, as well as disciples, later saw him over the next few days. Research has revealed that he was taken up to heaven by God.
The Missionary Work of Paul
Studies have shown that the teaching of Jesus Christ would not have a greater impact on the world without the efforts of Paul. According to the Acts of the Apostles, in the New Testament, Paul had a greater impact in passing the teachings of Christ. The writings tell us about how he was converted to Christianity. He was initially known as Saul. He was named Paul after his conversion. Research has shown that he violently opposed to the teachings of Jesus as well as the teachings of his disciples after his death. He experienced a dramatic conversion when he was blinded temporarily. After this conversion on his way to Damascus, he started preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Christianity Concepts of Paul
The teachings of Paul focused mainly on the death as well as the resurrection of Jesus Christ; This marked a key turning point in the spread of the word to the world. Paul understood the resurrection of Jesus Christ to mark the urge to stay alive under the law of the Jews. In its place, he taught of the life after death and God’s power made to work in th...
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